8 - "Untitled"

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An unconscious Kaito woke up to the sound of a high-pitched girl waking him up. He gradually opened his eyes to see a bright blue-haired girl with waist-length pigtails. A wave of worry engulfed the poor girl.

"TSUKASA-KUN" The boy jumped backwards, falling from the bench. "Hm? Kaito? What's wrong?" The girl stared at the the male anxiously waiting for a response.

Kaito analysed the room, looking left to right to see no trace of the blonde. "Miku, did you see Tsukasa-kun?" The girl put a finger to her chin, pondering.

"Hm, I haven't seen him since a week ago??" The blue-haired's face scrunched up feeling his head hurt. Kaito's distraught look was too noticeable, even to the ignorant. Miku couldn't help but ask. "I can call the other vocaloids to sear-"


"EEK" The girl jumped. The shift in Kaito's demeanor was impressive, yet scary. "A-alright- but we can help though!"A cheerful and curious smile was plastered on her face.

Kaito thought about it for awhile but after remembering how Tsukasa acted, it'd be better for them to not know else it'd make it worse.

"Miku, leave this to me and Tsukasa. He'll tell you when he's ready" His discerning smile made Miku feel uncomfortable. But if it was true that Tsukasa was uncomfortable she won't disrupt him. She'll give him some space.
Tsukasa got up from the purple's bed and wobbling to his own bed. Though he tripped a few times, he managed to make his way to his own bed in the end.

It was hard compared to Rui's. His back hurt from sleeping there but he just had a bad feeling sleeping in Rui's room.

Once he laid on the so-called bed, he heard an annoying buzzing sound filling his ears. Slowly getting louder, he couldn't hear anything anymore. It was torturing him.

Soon he felt his arms, legs, his whole body stuck to the bed. He couldn't move at all. He tried to move but his body was just too stiff, too weak.

His body was numb, it was painful. Not a minute goes by without him getting muscle spasms.

He stared once at the picture frame on the other side of the room. He saw a foggy picture of three people. He diverted his attention to the picture, forgetting his pain.

It contained two blondes and one bi-colored in shades of blue. The center was shining so brightly, hugging his siblings.

'What happened to you Tsukasa..?'

He kept his gaze on the picture, before his vision started to darken. His whole world turned a pitch black, nothing in sight.
Tsukasa woke up to feel a hard vinyl floor below him. Bit by bit, he got up and stood, hearing whispers in the background.

A spotlight shone on him, blinding his eyes from the sudden light. He grunted, inspecting his environment.

'Isn't this..'

He looked to his sides to see a bold red fabric, made to close off the audience's view. He glanced to his front to see multiple people in grand chairs, watching his every move.

'What character am I playing?'

A figure stepped out of the shadows approaching the blonde. "HOW DARE YOU BE SUCH A SELFISH VILLIAN??" Tsukasa felt his instinct to reply, this seemed so familiar yet so different.



Shock engulfed the unknowing blonde boy. "I- I NEVER MEANT TO-" The crowd went crazy, not in the way Tsukasa wanted to be.

"I thought of you as someone strong, maybe I was wrong about you Tsukasa.."

The shadowy figure whispered under his breath. Tsukasa felt the sudden urge to.. Cry? He fell to his knees and broke down, begging for forgiveness. The crowd laughing at him like he was a joke.

"I- No.. That can't be true.."

"You've always been this stubborn.. Why did you leave your friends for your personal needs? After he apologized, why didn't you accept? Why did you just hide away? Now everyone's worried.."

"NO I N-"

"Look at everyone.. Remember when everyone relied on you? You were a.. Safe place for the people who were as lost as you now.. Why can't you take your own advice?"


"Remember when you told your troupe about your problems? After abandoning them? You know what happened dont you?"


The figure came closer, his pointer and Tsukasa's chin, tilting the blonde's head up. "What if I say no? It's all factual isn't it?"


"Nothing to say? As weak as I thought. Do you know what happened to everyone now after you shut them off completely"


The figure chuckled. "Still nothing? This isn't the blabbermouth I knew.. Such a shame.. Remember when the three banged on your door but you didn't listen? Remember when you 'younger brother' I suppose didn't go to class for days? Remember your worried little sister who cancelled what was a once in a lifetime opportunity just to see you? What did you do? " The figure took a deep breath before laughing.

"You ran.. You ran away.. You wanted to be the dependable one but you can't even take care of yourself.. This is the first time I've seen you run from your problems instead of facing them head on. But your childhood is an obvious clue isn't it?"

Tsukasa stared in fear, he didn't want to believe it but it felt true.

"Ah, suppressing feelings I see? Classic Tsukasa.." He closed up the space between the two.

"After you ran, everyone moved on so quickly.. Your troupe operated on only the three, even hiring a replacement for you! Now they do global shows! Your sister is now performing everywhere! Your 'younger brother' had even gone viral with his squad! All because you left! Aren't you happy?" Tsukasa shook his head, he saw many of the audience laughing.

"Why is he making everyone unhappy?"
"I really thought he could do better"
"He will never be a star"
"He acts like my brother doesn't he?"
"I really admired him, nevermind.."

All the words felt so familiar. He wanted to be, no, he needed to be the dependable one. Why is he so weak now? He's unreliable at best.

Tsukasa slowly spiralled into despair, the world around him slowly shattering and disappearing into the void. He sat there, his face scrunched up, buried in his knees. He felt something warm stain his round cheeks.

His world faded to pitch black, crying in the spotlight before following the darkness around him. He raised his head to see three vague figures with no exact shape. Just a head and a body, nothing else other than color.

The pink frowned at itself, upset from something. He couldn't quite get his finger on it. A green one beside it covered its mouth, horrified and nauseous. The last one was in a purple shade. Though Tsukasa couldn't see it's face, he could tell by the body language that the figure was regretful? He couldn't tell.

"You look familiar."
No response.

No response.


Suddenly, the green and purple disappeared leaving the pink and the blonde alone in the dark. His vision, though still blurry, he could tell it was Emu from the short-messy bob.

The girl walked closer to Tsukasa.

"I made Tsukasa-kun s-"

"Made me what?!?"

Tears formed in her eyes, collapsing on the boy, burying her face in his chest. The boy wrapped his arms around the girl, patting her head as the girl kept sniffing endlessly.

"What happened?" The girl stopped her crying, replacing it with a maniacal laugh.


The girl raised her head to reveal that her eyes have darkened. Did she even have eyes anymore? The boy felt the ground shaking. The girl was still smiling, laughing even. He wanted to move but he couldn't, it was like he was paralyzed.

The darkness grew, soon engulfing Emu and eventually swallowing him too. His eyes were hazed and foggy. Tsukasa opened his eyes to not see pitch black, but to see the same girl shaking him awake. "TSUKASA-KUNNN WAKE UPPPPPPP" "IM UP IM UP-" "WONDERHOYYYY you're hanging out with me!! You don't have a choice!!" The boy chuckled to the girl's excitement.

'Guess it was just a nightmare, nothing for a star to worry about!'



Words: 1376

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