11 - 'Untitled'

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—-------13:28 pm, Emu & Nene's dorm-------—

'Was I too harsh?' 

Rui laid on the couch as thoughts kept flooding his mind. He couldn't get his mind off his earlier conversation. 

'I know she meant good, but it wouldn't work if she tried' 

He groaned into a nearby pillow, regretting every word he said. 

He genuinely wanted to help Tsukasa, yet he didn't know how. No matter his efforts, he'd always throw his ideas away, starting from scratch again. 

Though he had a creative mind, he wasn't made to solve problems like this. 

'Why is he so stubborn?' 

He thought before regretting his words for the hundredth time. But why was he worrying so much? How did this even start anyway? He didn't have a single answer to those very questions. 

As in rui's words. 'He's still the same as he was before, so why does everything feel off?' 

He tossed and turned, waiting for an answer to pop up in his mind, even a little clue would be enough for the poor director. 

He merely sighed and hesitantly got up from the couch into a sitting position. He had to focus on his essay, it was due tomorrow. 

Rui lifted up the lid of his laptop to reveal many tabs of unfinished show ideas. Sadly all on hiatus due to the troupe's current state. 

The purple-haired wondered if he could've done anything different to change the outcome of their "fight". 

He shook his head, reminding himself that he still had an essay to finish, unwillingly closing each and every tab of creativity. 

Rui left one tab open, it was nothing special, just google documents. 

He tapped his finger on the keyboard, trying to start the essay. Groaning every few seconds due to not knowing how to even start it. 

He stared at the blank sheet in front of him before an idea popped into mind. 

"Maybe they'll know, they are made of Tsukasa's own feelings after all. It wouldn't hurt to try ''

He took his phone, opening it to see his last message in nightcord. It hurt to read it since now Nene locked herself in her room. 

He sighed as he moved to another app. With one click, the place lightened up to see many colorful triangles fill up the sky. Transitioning the basic dorm room into a magical wonderland. 

Before he could even take a step, his eyes focused on the clouds. Normally, the clouds would be a fluffy cotton-candy pink but now, it was like they were just, real clouds? 

'Fascinating.. The clouds could change colors and textures? I wonder what caused this phenomenon' 

Before he could think of all the possibilities, the truth hit him like a truck. The SEKAI is made of Tsukasa's feelings, everything is made of Tsukasa's feelings. 


He looked around to see the SEKAI filled with all sorts of attractions, ones he'd never seen before. 

Rui turned to his side to see the usually blindingly bright stars turn at least a bit dimmer. 


He moped, imagining how Tsukasa is feeling right now. 

'What if he's feeling.. No, that wouldn't explain the new attractions. No no, I need to ask them. I can't stand here doing nothing.' 

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