Chapter 1

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Y/N Pov

I was sitting in my room and hearing music as I wanted to make me a hot chocolate.
So I go down to the kitchen while quietly singing to my music. I was listening to Ready for it by Taylor Swift and couldn't hear anything as my brother said my name till he stand in front of me.

Ohh did I mentioned that my brother is the Tony Stark? I love him but he's sometimes really annoying and sooo overprotective.

He looks at me a little angry but I can see the amusement in his face. I take out my Headphones and realize we are not alone. I bumped into a important Avenger's meeting.

"Ahh shit" I mumbled I totally forgot about the whole thing. My brother keeps me a secret because one time I was kidnapped to blackmail Tony and since that happened he became a little to overprotective.

I looked at everyone. I saw 11 people at the table I recognized some of them like the famous Captain America or just Old man how I know him because Tony always uses this nickname and Hawkeye by Tony called Legolas, Thor and the Black Widow the others have I never seen before.

As I recognize that it must be weird that I'm just standing there and not saying anything I let out a short "Hi" take my hot chocolate and run to my room of course carefully to not spill my hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate.

As I enter my room I close the door behind me and sit down in my comfy chair I sip on my hot chocolate and watch one of my favorite tv shows 'Friends'.

I just finished as I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I say and Tony comes in. " I am soo sorry I totally forgot that you had a meeting today I..." " It's okay Y/N actually you can come meet them if you like they saw you anyway." What did he just say I can meet them I mean I'm a little nervous but hell yesss. "Really?" I ask "Yeah come they're waiting in the kitchen", he answers. I hug him "Thanks Tony."
"Your welcome love you Y/N." "Love you too."

And with that we go both to the kitchen downstairs to meet the Avengers. I hope they didn't hear me sing. I enter the room with Tony and all eyes are on us. First a red haired girl comes and hugs me
"Hi Y/N I am Wanda." She's gives me a big smile and I smile back at her she seems soo nice. "Hi Wanda nice to meet you" I answer. After that a silver haired boy comes to me his name is Pietro and he is Wanda's brother. A man with glasses that always works with Tony in the lab introduced himself as Bruce Banner of course I know Steve and Thor. The other red haired woman begins to speak
"Hi I am Natasha Romanoff you can call me Nat." At last the bow guy introduced himself as Clint.

I look around wondering where the rest of the Avengers are because when I bursted in their meeting there were obviously more of them. As if Tony read my mind he say "The others have a mission you can meet them later." "Okay thanks it was nice meeting you all." I say to everyone "but I have to go now." I don't wanna sound rude or anything but I don't like when all eyes on me are. So I go back to my room.


I fall out my bed and mumble "Fuck"
I go tiredly in the kitchen and scream when I see Natasha Romanoff there
holy shit since when do they come in our 'privat' kitchen. She laughs at me "You alright? I'm just waiting for you're brother" I answer with a tired "mhhh"

I know it's NATASHA ROMANOFF but when I'm tired nothing matters. I make again a hot chocolate. And something to eat. Tony comes in and greets us than he turns to Natasha and they fall in a conversation. I don't really listen till they mention my name I look up and everything goes black.

Hope you like the first chapter. If it's not that good sorry it's my first time writing a story and English isn't my first language.

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