Chapter 17

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Hi just wanted to say this Chapter is just Natasha's Pov because as you know Y/N is unconscious. Hope that's okay. Enjoy! :)

Natasha's Pov

I hear shouting signaling me that people of the red room are here.
I can't check if Y/N or Yelena are alright because of the plan but I just hope they're okay.

Melina and I have a plan it's not the safest but I hope it'll do it. I look just like Melina because of the Photostatic Veil (it's the nano mask in black widow) and she just like me to get me into the Red Room.

Time skip

I'm flying us in a helicopter to the red room like Melina explained to me. The others are unconscious so it looks realistic. They didn't find Y/N and I don't know if I should be worried or relieved.

We're here. I remember everything and I hate. I remember calling this my home. I remember the people I were forced to murder. I remember the training the endless training. I remember trying to fail the training just so I wouldn't have to go through the end graduation. I remember having no place in the world. Remember being made a weapon being a monster. And I never imagined coming back here.
We walk past a room of training Black Widows and I feel bad for all of them having to go through all of this like me but couldn't getting away.

I enter Dreykov's office and I just feel hatred. I just wanna bring the man who tortured me and so many other girls down.

Dreykov begins to speak
"So how was the family reunion?" he asks with an evil voice.
"Oh, it was awful. They were clingy and too emotional and needy." I say chuckling a bit. "Yelena Belova" he says "what's the deal with her? She was the only affected, right?"
Of course he's talking about the loss of the mind control over Yelena. "As far as I know yes." I answer.
"These gasses and antidotes, it's a pain in my ass." Ahh these antidotes for the mind control Yelena talked about. He continues talking "It's a problem. You need to sort it." "I will" I say a bit unsure because I don't know what to say. 

He continues of how to solve this by cutting out her brain and finding the weakness so I get a bit nervous.

As he says "When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask in the world can hide that."
Shit he knows what we're doing.

He takes of my mask. "Welcome home, Natalia." he says.
I stand up because I know I'm superior to him and point a gun at him. "Oh oh Natalia we don't want to make a mess here right." He says as if he was bored. I still point it at him.
"Okay try shoot me." he says chuckling and I try to pull the trigger but my finger won't let me. I grunt as I try even harder to shoot him.
Dreykov starts to explain. "You know every Widow is prevented from hurting me. As long you can smell me you can't hurt me. But you don't have to try to hold your breath it still doesn't work." He smiles at me
but it is anything but comforting what I not really expected so...

I mean I act like I don't know but of course Melina told me about that and that I have to hit the part between my nose and my forehead really hard.

I put my gun on the table
"So and you haven't really developed. Still taking little girls life away." I say to provoke him. 
"I'm just making a use of something the world has to many of... girls." Oh I wish I could kick his ass. "Yeah must be easier to be tough infront of defenseless little girls." He comes in my direction. Perfect. "I built myself an army. I can control the world. My Widows are all over the world without anyone knowing.... And I can control everything just with this ring." He shows me the ring on his finger it's probably to get into his computer and this is the information I needed.

I smirk at him "Yeah but apparently not that strong when you have to hide in the shadows."  He punches me and stumble to the ground. "You think I can't take a punch?" I ask him my smirk growing as he kicks me in the face. I feel nothing changing he has to be to weak. I have to break it myself if I want to kick his ass.

I stand up and go back to his desk where he sits again. "Soo thank you for your cooperation I have all information I needed you for. Sadly you were too weak so I have to do it myself." I say smirking I slam my forehead onto the desk and feel my nose break and the blood run. What held me back to hurt him is gone.

I punch him in the face take his arm take the ring and slam him to the ground. "If I were you I would stop  now." He says and I know he lies he has nothing he can take from me but I have a bad feeling that he's not bluffing. He stands up and presses a button on his desk. A door on my left opens and a person steps out.
I turn my head...


Hi guys this is chapter 17 a bit short I know but I'll upload the next chapter probably tomorrow if I can. I hope you enjoy this whole story. If you have any suggestions or advices you can just comment them or text me.
I hope you're all alright. Stay healthy and loveee you. <3

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