Chapter 8

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I lay in my bed and can't sleep. I really have a crush on Nat. Whyyyy? She would never ever have a crush on me. What am I gonna do now?? I try to fall asleep but there are to many thoughts inside my head so I leave my room and go to the kitchen.

I go carefully so I don't walk against something, everything is dark and quiet till I hear a muffled scream. What was that? I turn around and walk to the direction the scream is coming from as I finally stand infront the room the noise comes from.

It's Nat's room. Ohhh no I hope she's okay. I open the door and can't see anything. As my eyes get used to the dark I can see Nat crying but her eyes are closed. I think she's having a nightmare.

"No no please. I don't want to go back there. No!" I run to her and shake her lightly so she wakes up. "Hey hey Nat it's okay. I'm here. It's just a dream. Everything is alright." I hug her as I try to calm her down. She opens her eyes and cries in my arms. "Everything is fine Nat. I'm here for you, we all are." We hug eachother for some more minutes as she calms down. "So... sorry." Her voice breaks. "Did I wake you?" " Oh no you know my sleep schedule it's really bad" I chuckle and she smiles a bit.

"So do you want to tell me about what happened?" I ask her softly.
"On the last mission we... we found out that Hydra is working with the Red Room together." "What's the Red Room." I ask confused. "It's where I grew up. They kidnap little girls and train then to be assassins. I... I thought the Red Room doesn't exist anymore but ..." Her voice breaks again and she has tears in her eyes. I feel so bad for her. "I'm so sorry Nat." I don't know what else to say so I keep silent.
"As we were there we found files of widows and also of me. I... I'm scared I don't wanna go back there." "You won't you're safe here. We all will protect you. I swear! How about we make you some hot chocolate?" I suggest. She laughs a bit.

I take her hand and lead her to the kitchen where I make us hot chocolate. I give her the cup and she drinks. "How're you feeling?" She chuckles "Oh much better!"
"Do you want to go back to sleep?" She nods. And we go back to her room.
"Goodnight Nat. Sleep well and if anything happens just come to me okay?" "Yes thanks Y/N" I smile at her and leave the room. I go back to my bed and sleep a little.

Next day

"Y/N Y/N " I hear a knock on my door.
"Nooo not yet I want to sleep" I mumble. Who the hell would wake me this early.

Someone opens the door and I recognize the voice of my brother "It's already late you have to come to the meeting room. We have something important to speak about."
"But I don't want to." I answer sleepily
There is no answer and I assume that Tony just left but no...
He suddenly takes my warm, comfortable blanket away and I scream. "What the actually fuck. Tony you can't do that. I hate you."
He leaves my room with my blanket and says "I love you to my dearest sister." singing the nickname a bit. Ahhh why is he so annoying.

I put on some comfortable clothes and join the others in the meeting room. Everyone sits there and listens to a man I don't know. "So because the Avengers did more damage than to help us we all decided that it's to dangerous if you just do whatever you want. You have the choice to sign the sokovia accords and
to act under our decisions or you retire."
What is he saying that's so dumb. "Sorry who are you?" I ask.
"I am..." "Oh right I don't care." I hear Tony lightly chuckle at my comment. But I just can't with this man who does he think he is. "Okay I would now go and let you decide till tomorrow what you do. Goodbye."

The man leaves and I think we'll all joke about how weird he is but the tension is still there. "I don't think we should sign this. We won't be able to make our own decisions and they will take forever with theirs so it'll be to late for us to do something." Steve says and I totally agree with him like the rest of us probably too.

"I think it's better when we sign it. So we still can be the Avengers and don't come into jail or we have to retire or whatever they want to do with us." Natasha says and I look at her confused. Why would she say that? If we sign this we would lose all our freedom.

"Tony what do you think. You've been awfully quiet." Sam asks.
"That's because he already made his decision." Steve says accusatory. And I look at Tony who really been quite what is unusual for him. "You are going to sign it???" I ask him confused.

I thought we all would have the same opinion but now it seem as it would split up the team and I don't like the thought of losing half of my new family.

Sorry for the really late update. Hope you like the chapter, stay healthy and drink enough.
Thank you for reading :)

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