Chapter 12

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Y/N's Pov

"Ahmm we should probably go to bed." I say out of embarrassment. "Okay good night Y/N/N sleep well."
"Thanks you too Nat."
I walk to one of the bedrooms and lay down on the bed. What a day! Maybe she likes me too? Hell nah what are you thinking of course she's straight and probably likes Steve or Tony or whoever. I really should sleep and not thinking about that...

I hope Wands and the others are okay
I'm really worried about them.
I hope we will find a solution soon but now I really should sleep.

Next day

"Y/N?" I hear someone calling me. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Oh that is Nat wait isn't it like 7 am "What the hell Nat. It's way to early. Let me sleep." I hear a chuckle frome her and have to smile.
"Y/N it's about 11 am. I think you should get up now." Already 11 am but I still could sleep a bit more. It's not like we have to do something right?

"Y/N? Are you asleep again?"
"Nooo thanks to you." I answer her but get up and put on some clothes. Then I join Nat in the kitchen. "Not a morning person?" Nat asks chuckling.
"Mhhm." I answer simply. "So what do you want?" She asks again. "Ohh how about pancakes?" I asks a little grumpy but excited. "Okay why not. Can you cook and bake?" She raises an eyebrow while asking.
"Yesss I love it. Let's start." I mean I'm still a bit sleepy but pancakes?
Let's go! I search for the ingredients and put them on the kitchen table.
"Nat could you put the flour in the bowl?"
" Of course."

I turn to take the milk, as I turn to Nat again I see a Natasha fully covered in flour. "What happened? How long did I not look at you?" I asks chuckling but a little shocked. "I don't bake that often." Nat says laughing at me. "Oh really?" I asks sarcastically laughing at her. "Hey don't laugh at me." " Oh and why not?" I ask smirking at her. All of the sudden Nat throws flour at me. I play offended. "You dare to throw flour at me?" I take a hand full of flour and throw it back at her. "Oh that's what we're playing now?" Nat says and I smirk at her "challenge accepted Stark." She throws even more flour in my direction and I run away from her. "Oh no no Y/N you started that war."
"What I didn't start it you did." I shout at her while running away. Of course she gets me and tickles me. "No no please.... Nat .... stop... Please.." "What do you have to say?" She asks me. I have no clue. I didn't start that war she definitely did.

"I am sorry." I say even tho I didn't do anything. I just hate to be tickled. Nat raises an eyebrow "That's not really what I wanted to hear." She chuckles and is about to start tickling me again "No no Nat... You win... You win." "That's what I wanted to hear." She says smirking at me. "Maybe you should make them without me now." "Yeah maybe." I say laughing while going back into the kitchen.

I put the flour in the bowl probably a bit more careful than Nat because it all lands in the bowl and not on me. I look smirking at her.
"Oh yeah Y/N we get it you are amazing at putting flour into a bowl." She says sarcastically.
I roll my eyes of course I am amazing I am a Stark so...

Then I add the eggs, the milk and the butter. What do I need now? Ahhh right. "Nat could you give me the sugar?" She gives me the sugar and I put it into the bowl. After that I swirl it and the dough is finished.

I pick up a pan and turn on the hotplate. I give some of the dough into the pan.
and wait for the pancake to become brown as I feel Nat staring at me.
"You now it's rude to stare." I smirk while turning to her and I could swear I saw her blush a little bit. "You wish Stark." She says and I turn my attention back to the pancakes and make some more.

"They are finished. Come let's eat." I take the plate with the pancakes and place them on the kitchen table and we both start eating. "They taste delicious." Nat's says  "Of course they do I made them." I say smirking at her.

We eat in peace as I hear an explosion near us and I am pushed back. What was that? Nat where is she? I can't see anything. Everywhere is dust. "Nat? Natasha? Where are you?" I shout. "Y/N, Y/N are you okay?"  I see Nat coming to me. "Quick we have to leave!
Whoever this was is surely not here to eat some pancakes."

Hope you enjoy chapter 12. Have a nice day, stay healthy and thank you so much for reading. :)

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