Chapter 18

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Natasha's Pov

Y/N is standing to my left side. She looks as always but there is something different... her eyes they look lifeless. As if she isn't here... as if no no no.

"What did you do to her." I scream at Dreykov. "Not that much. You know just showed her what the real enemy is." he says with an evil grin.
Shit she's under mind control. 
She probably doesn't even recognize me. Wait but that doesn't mean that she forgot everything right?!?

"Come sit, let's talk a bit Natalia" he says smirking.
I sit down on the chair opposite of him.

"What do you want?" I ask him angrily that he has that power over me again. "Just some information" he answers

"So Natalia which Avengers signed and which didn't. All that didn't signed where taken care by Ross... now I can take care of the rest."
I can't answer this.
I can't put the others in danger.
I stay silent. "Okay if you won't talk like this we will see what Y/N can change about thag." I look at him then at Y/N. She is starting to scream. I try to ignore it. I close my eyes so I don't have to see her pain-consumed face.
Her scream is breaking my heart...

"Okay stop stop!" I say fastly and a single tear rolls down my cheek.
"Natalia you are getting weak and soft."
I give him a death stare.
"Tony Stark..." I begin "James Rodes, Vision... The King of Wakanda, Bruce Banner." I stop I want to protect Peter and Pietro they are to young for this. I hope he won't notice.

"Natalia I know your lying there are more!" he says. Fuck. "No that's all." I say trying to sound unbothered. "You can't lie to me."
"Pietro Maximoff and Spiderman" maybe he doesn't know who he really is. "You see how simple this is just answer this truly okay? If you lie to me again. I'll kill your little girlfriend over there."

"Okay soo where are the Avenger who signed right know." he asks
"Yeah that's a really good question. But I'm here how you can see sooo... I don't know probably at the Avenger compound."

"And how do I get in there."
I try to him exactly where the guards stand and when the shift is over.
Ah this is horrible how do I get out of here and take Y/N with me. I still have the ring so it will be easy to delete all the information about all the girls here.

"What are Tony Stark's weaknesses?"
"I won't answer that." I say strictly. I can't. I will not put Pepper in danger.
He presses a knot again and Y/N starts screaming again a tears roll down her cheek. I shake my head. He can't do that. "No please stop... Please" I say begging him. "Then tell me what his weaknesses are. Now." I try again to ignore her screams and tears. I can't see her like this but I can't do that to Tony or Pepper... I can't I... I'm on the verge of tears. I'm hurting Y/N. This is all my fault. Shit she begins glitching as Dreykov makes the pain even stronger.
"I... Please.. stop... I..."
"Pepper Pots, it's Pepper Pots." I answer his question. Now there all in danger just because of me. This is all my fault.

"Was this all you wanted to know?"  I ask now.
"Oh no sweetheart we are just starting." he says. "Don't call me sweetheart."
"I want to know every single weakness of ..."

I hear something exploding and the whole ground  shakes so that Dreykov stops talking. I think landing the red room failed and now they're trying to bring it down by letting the engine explode.

"What the fuck was this?" Dreykov asks me anger fills his eyes.
"I... I don't know... I'm not quite sure."
Wait when they're bringing the red room down then I'm obviously superior to him. I regain my confidence. "What do you think this is." I say smirking. Natalia if you don't tell me right know what this was then I kill
Y/N faster then you can look." he says now completely freaking out.
"Maybe Melina, Alexei and Yelena didn't find a way to land this but I mean crashing is also a type of landing right?" I say smirking at him. He looks at me enraged. "Make me a full ride down ready. I want a helicopter right now. Bring me there." He says in a microphone.

"You know you maybe think you win Natalia. But you will never win. You are nothing and you have nothing  without this without me you have no place in the world." he is about to leave. "And Natalia." I stare at him angrily. "Be careful..." I look at hum confused as if he cares. I nearly chuckle. "it's the things we love most that destroy us." he says grinning like the devil as he leaves me with Y/N alone.

So this is Chapter 18 hope you like it. I love you all. Thank you for reading this story. Take care all of you. Have a nice day. <3 :)

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