Chapter 2

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"So what exactly is it that you need me for?" Moriarty asked.

"I'm hatching something big... Very big. I need your help to get something for me," Crowley explained.

"And that something is...? Let's hear it, the anticipation is practically killing me."

Crowley looked his companion up and down, contemplating whether or not he was ready to reveal his plan.

"So you've gone and sprung me from Hell and yet you don't trust me enough to let me in on the details of your big, bad plan?" Moriarty tutted. 

Crowley rolled his eyes. "Lord Voldemort. He's in Purgatory, and I need him out. You're gonna help me do it."

"Excuse me, Lord who now?"

Crowley ignored him and continued walking ahead. He had brought them to an old, abandoned warehouse where he had everything ready to perform the ritual and open the doors to Purgatory. Meanwhile, curiosity continued to eat away at Moriarty. 

"Just a moment... Did you say Purgatory? What's made you think that I can help with that? Aren't you the king of Hell? Why not just bring him back like you did me?"

"Exactly, I'm the King of Hell, I can't go to Purgatory. I need someone I can trust that will go in for me."

"Oh so now I'm someone you trust, hm?"

"Yes. Now listen, you'll have exactly 30 minutes to go in and find him."

"And what about Sherlock Holmes? Have you got any update for me?"

"I've got my best men on it," Crowley said, turning to face him with smirk.

"Wonderful. So when's my trip down under? Or... upstairs? I'm not exactly sure where Purgatory is."

"Yeah, yeah, I've got it all set up, come with me," Crowley said, grabbing Moriarty by shoulder, ushering him towards a heavily guarded room with blood drawn symbols coating the wall. "Just stand right over there." 

"Can't be too hard to find him right?" Moriarty asked.

"It shouldn't be... I've got his location pin-pointed. If I got everything right you'll be taken right to him." Crowley explained, grabbing a scroll from the table and unraveling it. "Ready?"

"I sure am," Moriarty said as a sinister smile crept across his face.

With that, Crowley began to read the ritual scroll...

"Ianua magna Purgatorii Clausa est, ub nos lumia, euius ab oculis, Nostris Retento..." Moriarty twitched, grabbing on to the edge of the table for support. Abruptly, the wall began to crack open, creating a large opening. There was a bright flash of light and Moriarty was sucked in. 

Crowley carefully rolled the scroll back up, and placed it down on the table beside him. He took a seat in the chair beside him, and leaned back waiting. Eventually, the wall opened back up and Moriarty stepped out, throwing himself on the ground, coughing. A tall, bald, inhuman man slithered out behind him and the door to Purgatory closed once more.

"Lord Voldemort?" Crowley asked.

"That is I," The man said, "And you, you must be Crowley. They call you the king of Hell?"

"Yep, that's me," Crowley said proudly.

"Excellent work, though I must be going now," Voldemort said, turning towards the door.

"Stop," Crowley spoke out, as the doors of the room all slammed shut, "I've got big plans for you."

"Hm, how interesting. What magnificent power you hold... Goodbye Crowley, I'm sure we'll meet again." And with that, he turned and apparated away.


"The Dark Mark has been seen displayed over four houses in the past week, fourteen muggle-born wizards reported dead:We are still unsure of who has been committing these crimes, but there is obvious reason to suspect former Death Eaters are involved. The Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, encourage's all to act cautiously and assure's us that the perpetrators will be caught, facing the dementors kiss and a life sentence in Azkiban. In the mean time, the grounds of Hogwarts School will now be heavily guarded. Aurors are beginning to arrest former Death Eaters, who will be taken for questioning. There are rumors going around that there is a new "Dark Lord" starting his rein, or that You-Know-Who himself, is back from the grave, but further information on that is not yet confirmed." Harry read aloud to his wife, Ginny and friends Ron and Hermione from the Dailey Profit.

"You don't honestly believe this rubbish about the next "Dark Lord" do you mate?" Ron whispered to his friends, spitting food out of his mouth and onto the table. 

The four friends sat huddled around a small kitchen table. The Potters and the Weasleys were spending their summer holidays at the Burrow, and today was the last day before their children returned to school. 

"I'm just surprised McGonagall's gone on letting Malfoy teach at the school when he used to be a Death Eater," Hermione whispered as she slurped porridge into her mouth.

"Bloody hell, what's that all about?" Ron said a little too loudly.

"Ronald quiet down, you're going to wake the children." Hermione whispered to him.

"Mum? Dad?" Albus said, walking slowly down the stairs and joining the parents at the table.

"Oh now you've done it," Hermione said, standing up from the table and bringing her bowl to the sink.

"Yes Al?" Harry asked, rising from his seat as well.

"Are we going back to school today?" he asked, taking a seat at the table.

"Yes you are, is your trunk all packed?" Harry asked him.

"Yeah, I packed it ages ago! I'm so excited," He said.

"Would you like some porridge dear?" Hermione asked

"Oh yes please!" Albus said.

"Ron, you may as well go and wake the rest of the kids," Hermione said.

"KIDS! WAKE UP!" Ron shouted. Hermione brought a bowl of porridge over to the table and set it down in front of Albus. She then walked around the table, picked up the Daily Profit and hit her husband in the arm with it.

"Go and wake them properly Ronald!" She said, making Harry laugh so hard that some of his coffee shot through his nose.

"Sorry love."


"We've just landed? What do you mean we've just landed? We can't of landed! Bring us back to Baker Street this instant." John yelled.

"Hush now John, you're making a scene," Sherlock said, ushering his friend out of the TARDIS behind everyone else. 

When they got outside, they discovered that they were stood in the middle of nowhere. A black, 67 Chevy Impala was parked up ahead on the side of the road, with two men sat on the hood. Once it registered that they were not alone, the two men jumped up, pulling their guns out and pointing them towards the group.

"Who the hell are you?" The shorter one yelled.

"Hello! I'm the Doctor, and these are my friends,"

"Doctor? Doctor Who?"

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