Chapter 3

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"Just The Doctor. And put your guns away... I hate guns." 

"I aint' putting my gun down until someone tells me who the hell you are, and why that many of you just walked out of that little box," the shorter one said, turning the gun on its side and tilting it towards Rory. Rory immediately threw his hands up in the air.

"Peace! We come in peace!" Rory shouted nervously.

"Dude," the taller man said, placing a hand on the other's wrist. "Chill." 

The shorter man shrugged, placing the gun back in his jeans and looked back up at the group in front of him.

"Ah much better! Now then, I'm The Doctor, these are the Ponds, Amy and Rory, and this is Sherlock and his friend John," The Doctor stated. "And you are?"

"I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean. What brings you all to London?" 

"We're in London? Brilliant!" Sherlock said, looking around.

"Well we were just sort of brought here," Amy said, shrugging.

"Yes, brought here, very against our will," John added in.

"Brought here?" Dean asked.

"Yes, well see, my ship sometim-" The Doctor started.

"Your ship? That, thing, is a ship?" Sam asked, pointing at the TARDIS.

"Precisely! She does this every so often, takes me somewhere important. You know, somewhere people need my help." 

"So you're hunters too then." Dean stated.

"Hunters? No, I'm a consulting detective," Sherlock stated.

"And I'm a doctor, a proper doctor, Doctor John Watson, nice to meet you," John said, waving a hand to the two men.

"And I'm a Time Lord, last of my kind," the Doctor said, grinning at them. 

Sam and Dean stared back at him confused.

"Time Lord's are a species of alien... You get used to it," Amy explained.

Dean immediately started to laugh. He continued, until Sam hit him lightly in the stomach, giving him a dirty look.

"Wait, you're not serious... Are you? I mean we've seen some pretty messed up things, but aliens? Aliens aren't real," Dean said.

 "Messed up things you say?" The Doctor asked, stepping towards the two brothers. "What kind of 'messed up things'?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Sam said, chuckling. 

"Try us," Amy said, with a smirk.

"Try you?" Dean said, laughing, "Ok, try, Vampires."

The Doctor, Amy and Rory all looked at each other with questioning looks. Dean raised his eyebrows at the group.

"Yeah, Vampires," he said again smugly.

"Vampires? No. Fish from space? Maybe," Amy said grinning.

"F-fish? From space?" Sam asked, with a loud laugh. 

"Alright... How about wearwolves," Dean said, taking a step towards the Doctor.

"Wearwolves? Been there, done that," The Doctor said.

"Shapeshifters?" Dean asked.

"I suppose you mean Zygons?" The Doctor asked.

"Z-zygons? Sorry... Now you're just making things up..." Dean said.

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