Blue Moon (Prologue)

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Under the rare spectacle of a blue moon, occurring every 2 to 3 years, a mysterious figure emerges, visible only to a chosen few, be they human, monster, or something more enigmatic. Amidst the uncertainty surrounding this mysterious being, one constant remains.

With golden blonde hair cascading like moonlight, piercing crimson eyes that reflect the mystique of the night, and teeth reminiscent of a vampire, she embodies perfection in its simplest form. A myth shrouded in uncertainty, her existence remains a tantalizing mystery.

Is she real? No one knows.

Yet, everyone knows her name—the Moon Princess. An ethereal being whose elegance captivates all, whose beauty is adored by those fortunate enough to catch a glimpse, and whose allure no human can resist. She is the one...

The legendary Moon Princess.

Yes, it was but a story. A story as old as time. A classic one could even say, a boy from a town whose name has changed a lot in history, from being named Lordlan, to more recently being known as Quilaster. This town has had a lot of historical changes, but the town isn't the focus of this story.

This story will focus on a boy. A teenager to be exact. Let us all awaken him, he has fallen into a summer slumber.

Awaken boy...Awaken. Your story starts now...

Satsuma's POV:

And then I woke up, a nauseating feeling creeping around my body. I must have slept a bit too much last night. Perhaps it was a bad idea to have stayed up until 4AM.

But then again, I simply had to get that legendary item! The event would have ended, and I'd actually be depressed if I didn't get it. I stand up from my bed, both of my legs touching the ground with a small thud emanating from my feet's contact with the ground. The cold sensation of being one with the ground resonates within me; I'm cold.

I grab my socks and immediately put them on, feeling their warmth as my now protected feet touch the ground once more. I feel at peace. Dragging my skinny body across the room, I unlock the door of my room and stare blankly at the hallway. I remember now.

I live in a dorm with two dorm mates, Eric and Yon. It's not that my parents died or simply couldn't bother taking care of me. That only happens way too many times in stories. It's because I'm an exchange student from the country of the Netherlands. While my name may be Japanese, I am indeed Dutch. I sadly didn't have the time to learn the language as I kept moving around and around the world.

My parents, only wishing for my success and joy, decided to send me to this town. What was it called again? Quilasting? Wuilastan? Quilaster! Yes, Quilaster is the name of this town.

Being proud of remembering, I continue moving my now half-awoken body against the wall, eventually ending up at the bathroom. A short look at the mirror, and one can immediately guess how I look. I'm not the most handsome man.

That sounds like a cliché for some odd reason. But to make it simple, I'm not the most handsome man; I'm a skinny 17-year-old. That's correct, yes, I don't have muscle or any defining features. Frankly, if you look at teenagers of today and me, amongst those who are obese and those who are thin, I'm with those who are extremely thin, to the point you can even see some part of my body, my bones.

It's not that I'm unhealthy; in fact, I eat normally. It's simply how I'm made. It's a matter of DNA in this case. I do hope I haven't offended anyone. Why am I acting like there's someone reading this? Oh dear, I must be going insane from the loneliness.

I let out a happy laugh as I do my daily routine, a simple routine.

- Hair washing: check.
- Teeth brushed: check.
- Face cleaned: check.
- Uniform Acquired: check.

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