Chapter 3: It's my fault...

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Omniscient Viewpoint:

It was only natural after all, no matter how much one tries to deny it. One tries to sympathise with him, but it was his fault…No matter what, it was his fault. Satsuma could only look at the man bleeding, he was already dead. No amount of healthcare and futuristic objects could bring him back. His stomach hurt, it was as if the entire world was hating him, shaming him for his sin of murder. But he couldn't deny it. They were right, to shame him. To insult him. He was in the wrong, he killed an innocent man. It was all he deserved.

Satsuma - "Ah…I can't deny it…I…HGH!"

Satsuma couldn't hold back his stomach acid as it built up inside of him, another hefty vomit left his mouth as he gasped for air and strength, his eyes looking at the blue sky, he only closed his eyes but once and yet the blue sky was red. A gigantic eye, perhaps the eye of God himself was staring upon him, judging him for his sin. Satsuma lifted his hands in the sky, trying to appease the Heavenly Father for his sin. Calling for his mercy, and yet.

Nothing. The eye kept staring and soon, Satsuma's world changed. The sky returned to blue and the eye disappeared, his eyelids felt heavy, increasingly heavy. He stumbled to his knees and soon fell close to the body, his eyes empty and his body cold. As if he had died as well in this very instant. If one were to have a bird's eye view. One could believe that Satsuma and the young man were both unlucky to have died.

Except one had life, the other had been robbed of it. One was robbed, the other was the thief. And the object that was stolen was but the life of one of them.

His eyes felt heavy and soon, he could feel his consciousness leaving him, as a means to escape this reality. This world in which he had killed a man, whoever found him had full power over his fate. The blood of the man is still gushing out and even covering Satsuma with it.

And before both knew it. It was night and Satsuma had still not woken up, however he felt a softer sensation, it felt like a bed. Someone had placed him on a bed. Perhaps it was a prison bed? He didn't know for sure but…he didn't want to open his eyes, he wanted to be asleep. Forever and ever. And yet…Fate doesn't give men that luxury.

As the cheerful voice of Eric once again entered his room.

Eric - "Waaaaaaaaaake UP! Satsu! I'm not letting ya skip school again! Wake up!"

Satsuma - "Hgn…! Hmmm! Lemmealoneiwannasleep."

Eric - "YEAAAH, nah sadly. I can't allow you that Satsuma. You see yesterday you disappeared all of sudden and suddenly you come back at night in your bed. I asked Yon about it and he didn't know either. So spill out your teleporting secret Houdini!"

Satsuma - "Uuugh! Wait…huh? I got home…how did I…Eric, did you see me covered in something when you came home? Like dirt or…Blood?"

Eric - "Nope. You were all clean, in fact it almost seemed like you took a shower. Maybe that's why you're sick all the time. Jeez…"

Eric let out a magnificently deep sigh. Something was wrong. Something was inherently wrong once more. How come…Eric seemed so fine. He looked at the time. Surely now someone would blame him for the murder? Surely someone will call him a murderer.

Satsuma - "But, it doesn't make any sense I…I! I don't know what to think anymore. Eric, what happened yesterday. Tell me everything and please…please…be honest."

Eric looked at Satsuma with a hint of concern, he couldn't quite comprehend what his friend was going through but decided to help him, he put on his usual smile and answered in a calm and tender manner.

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