Chapter 4: Why are you here?

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2286 words. Without the author's note.

GODDAMN! It's been weeks hasn't it been? Yeah, I was bored so I decided to throw this out. Now don't worry, I might upload more. Maybe
We'll see. Anyway, it's ya boy again, I'm not COOKING fr fr.

Shout-out to Lotus Juice for his music my advice when you're reading the fight scene. Listen to this absolute banger during it. Trust me you'll fucking love it. And yes Authors notes are now in the beginning. ADIOS.

Omniscient Viewpoint:

Why was she here, daring to reveal herself after subjecting Satsuma to the utmost form of torment? It wasn't traditional torture or mere mental anguish; it was a relentless, forceful transformation of pain. Satsuma sprang from his bed, his expression twisted with anger as he strode towards the princess. He demanded answers, he demanded justification. Whatever her reasons were, he vowed to uncover them.

Satsuma - "Moon Princess! What have you done to me?! Why in the fuck do I have sharp vampire-like teeth, and why do I behave Ahh...Gah!"

His mind throbbed with the memories of the previous night-the brutal dismantling of the poor student, the reckless act of biting. No matter how much he tried to shift blame onto the Moon Princess, he couldn't escape the truth. It was his doing, fueled by frenzied rage.

He acknowledged his fault, yet denied it once more. His soul weighed heavy with guilt, but his body resisted acceptance. With a powerful slap to his face, a resounding crack echoed in the room, refocusing his gaze on the Moon Princess, who remained silent yet inscrutable.

Satsuma's attention remained fixed on her, burying his pain deep within. He maintained control of the situation, awaiting her response. Finally, she opened her mouth to speak, but her lips curled into a sinister smile before she uttered a word.

Eris - "So it did work. I'm glad you're stronger than I thought however...your Bloodthirst consumed you didn't it? I can sense it. You've killed a man due to your thirst, right?"

Satsuma - "What worked?! What exactly did work huh?! Wait...Did I kill a man? No, I haven't...I didn't kill him. It's not my fault it's UGH-!"

With a disappointed expression on her face, the moon princess suddenly kicked Satsuma in the gut, not a semblance of hesitation was on her face as she brutally sent him flying through his window. Satsuma crashed in front of the dorm creating a small crater.

Weakly standing up from it, he shifted from their usual eyes to a crimson red, a red as powerful as the Moon Princess herself. She too jumped down from the room and softly landed on the ground.

Eris - "If you wish for answers." She slowly started, her eyes focusing on Satsuma. "You'll have to land a single hit at me. It doesn't matter the strength or how, a single hit is enough, just a simple grab is accepted. Accomplish that and I'll tell you everything. Be prepared."

She suddenly said, moving her body in a specific position, her hands opened to showcase her palms, and her legs stretched out, she took a stance equal to one would have in Taido.

Satsuma suddenly stood up from the ground and looked at her with a serious glare, he nodded before commencing.

Satsuma - "Just a hit? Alright then Princess...if I hit you'll tell me right. Good. Then, let's dance Vampire."

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