Chapter 2: Bloodthirst

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One must always ask themselves, what happened? If you're a student, you ask yourself what happened in your class. Remember, revise if you forgot. But don't you dare not remember. If you're a worker, remember that you must constantly achieve results, remember the correct way of acting, remember how to work, and if you forgot, study it once again.

But what do you do when your only memory is of being bitten—a painful bite, skin being penetrated, and your own blood leaving your body, and yet at the same time... something entering you, like a parasite that found its way inside your body.

This was exactly how Satsuma felt. His entire being was getting destroyed and annihilated. It was a pain that didn't make any sense, and he knew it. It's illogical; how can a simple bite drive him this insane? He simply couldn't understand what was happening to him. It was driving him nuts, he wanted it to stop, but it never did.

He stood up violently, his once blue eyes gleaming red, his lips parting ways as they twisted into a sickening smile—a smile he would never execute. Like a raging demon, his voice was deep and cruel as he expressed his feelings.


He rushed downstairs and went to grab a glass of water. His smile had dissipated as the water came towards him. Finally... something to quench this infinite thirst. He drank the water; in fact, he discarded the water and immediately drank from the main source...

"Still thirsty..."

Water wasn't enough; he still wanted more. A simple object such as water was never going to be enough. Thankfully, he awoke late. Eric tried waking him up, but he simply didn't manage, which was rare, very rare. Satsuma walked down to the lobby to find no one, but this smell...

What's this smell? He wants more of it. It smelled beautiful. He ran out of the house to find the old man who usually came to clean their house—a target... old, but he must taste good. He didn't have much to live for anyway. It only made sense for him to end his life. Just one quick drink... one quick drink.

Satsuma's POV:

The old man isn't seeing me; it's a good target. However, it would be far too easy to pin it on me. I have to go further; I need to go to the city... or find someone in the forest. I heard students occasionally go there. It's a good place to go. I ran at speeds faster than humanly possible. In fact, I probably ran much faster than I could remember.

I jumped and climbed a tree as I awaited my target, the sun shining on me, and my thirst going crazy. There... someone, a drink. Finally, he walked peacefully, like a good boy trying to enjoy his walk in the forest. Sadly, it would be his last one. I jumped down from the tree and came flying at him, pushing him down on the ground.

A tactical move; do it. My teeth had changed, but I didn't care. I'm hungry. I must drink. I must DRINK! My teeth dug through my prey's flesh. I can feel it—the scent of blood. It drives me insane. It drives me infrfefjknfjnjnrrf AAAAZUSDH AAAAA DRINKN SUFFEFNRU CRONSUEE

I blanked out. I don't remember what happened. I suddenly lost my control; this thirst was finally gone. As I lifted my eyes, I could see it—the corpse of a random student, his face looking as if he had been caved in multiple times, his eyes, if you could even count these eyes, carved into his skull as eyes.

My face contorted itself in horror, I could feel gastric juices swelling up in my stomach as I witnessed the corpse of this dead student standing there painfully. My eyes eyeing every part of his destroyed body in an ultra sense of realism, it's simply not possible, I didn't kill him. I did not...I DID NOT!

I did not...Didn't I?

Omniscient POV:

I will speak both as the narrator of this story and as a game system between us. Our main character has lost his own mind and fallen to his bloodlust, so I ask of you. You, the one who reads his fate, you the one who will cheer for him or hate him. Console him or fight him. Answer this question to him.

Is it his fault for succumbing to his bloodlust and killing the student to quench his thirst, or is it this new blood in him fault? You alone will decide his fate. May you guide him to the correct path. Only you can influence this story so strongly.

For you aren't but a reader; you are also the writer. So write! Write until the end of all things and choose his path.

Chapter 3 End.

Author's note.

Welp everyone, It's chapter 3. I know we don't have many views and stuff like that

But i felt like doing that yeah. You choose the exact story, right now there are two timelines and I'm splitting it here. The one where you blame Satsuma and the one where you don't. Multiple story choices will happen and will influence the story. Good luck and pick good.

And yes today is short which is why we only have 790 words excluding the Author's note, I'll be back to the usual 2000 words next time. This was short just for the system implementation. See ya (Also I forgot a moon picture it's fixed tho)

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