Chapter 5: Inhuman disposition Part 1.

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As usual, this story is fictitious nothing is real. Similarity between people and this storyline are just coincidences.

ANYWAY! This story, I'm not gonna say how many words it took me. But, it's been a SHIT long while hasn't it been? My life has been a bit wild. Grades, loss of motivation. The french educational boss Gabriel Attal is a motherfucker and makes our lives hell. But anyway! Let's try once again chat, here we go again. For the Blue Moon.

Satsuma's Pov:

Was I dreaming? I wouldn't really know. But, my body certainly ached like hell. I expected myself to have a lot of brutal wounds of yesterday's fight. And yet, in a way I feel refreshed. Almost like having a fight against an overpowered vampire queen somehow was the best workout I've ever had. Or I'm just very much losing it.

"What the hell? Anyway...let's get started. Another day."

Standing up from my bed, and removing my clothes from last night, into more of a comfy pyjama. Which was weird I even bothered to do so. Because, today was a school day. Hooray.

I'm guessing Yon already moved and if Eric didn't wake me up yet means he's oversleeping. Oh right, today's my turn to cook. I quickly moved to the bathroom and did my usual routine.

Brushed teeth - Check
Washed face and hair - Check
Skin lotion - Check

I don't put Gel on my hair because it makes me look like an absolute idiot. At least that's what I feel about it, I don't know about others however.

Slowly, with soft and gracious steps I wandered down to the living room. My guess was correct. Eric overslept, usually I'd have either found him in the bathroom. He woke me up, or he's in the kitchen. Nonetheless, It didn't matter to me. I owed him and Yon food tonight so it was only natural.

The apron tied on my body and with focused eyes, I made sure to clean up everything. The room was filled with a warm aroma. Today I felt like making eggs and bacon, a classic I know.

Who am I talking to? Am I becoming schizophrenic? I...I don't know...


Let's just act like this never happened.

I served the eggs and bacon on the table and went upstairs to wake up Eric. What a sleeper this guy, but oh well. I do owe him for waking me up everyday. I really appreciate it.

I slowly opened the door...


Omnipotent View: For those sensitive to blood scenes. Watch out.

Satsuma slowly opened the door, his eyes widening as his entire eyesight was filled with a crimson red. His best friend was in a terrible position with seemingly something stabbing his chest, it wasn't deep enough to fully kill him.

Eric grasped for air, trying to breathe as he could feel something sharp piercing him, Satsuma quickly freed himself from this terrible shock and went on to help his friend. Panicking a little bit he wondered what to do. Until Eric did something rather...weird.

Eric - " me a favour...don't tell this to anyone..."

Satsuma - "Eric what the fuck do you mean! You have a knife in your chest! I'm calling the hospital, try to press against the wound, I'm removing the knife. Keep every drop in!"

Eric - "Nah...Trust me..."


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