Chapter 6: Inhuman Disposition Part 2.

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Omniscient POV: 

One could not really blame Yon in his reaction, he witnessed two of his friend stuck together, one like a parasite close to the neck ready to bite into and the other willingly offering his neck as a sacrifice, at every turn and order. Someone would question their sense of logic. 

Yon stepped back two times, before his calculating mind finally figured things out, the reason for Satsuma's sudden change in behavior and appearance. The reason for his now incomprehensible sicknesses hitting him and this sudden scary feeling he had. 

Whenever he was next to him. Yon could feel the air get colder and colder, she occasionally once brushed hands with him but the both didn't mind, however he was...inhumanly cold. It wasn't normal to be this cold, was it? 

After his sudden steps Yon glared at Satsuma and Eric who both looked out of it, rather they looked surprised. Finally, he took a proper look at Satsuma's eyes. Red...they never were red, usually they looked blue so then why were they 


Yon suddenly had a more harsher face, for a brief  moment, Satsuma seemed to relax until he sensed an unnatural amount of killing intent. It felt so weird to see such intent come from his friend, before he could even react. A knife came flying towards him, thanks to his undeniably unnatural vampiric reflexes. He managed to avoid the deadly strike.

Suddenly looking at Yon with a betrayed expression, Eric barely managed to speak up before two more knives were send at her, Satsuma simply avoided them once more by jumping to the side. He tried to speak up, he really did and yet he couldn't, it felt like she had completely marked him for dead.

A few steps back and Satsuma understood it now, Yon wasn't playing around anymore. She really marked him for dead. Why though? It didn't make sense, sure she caught him almost biting into Eric but he allowed him to so then why?! 

Why? Simply why? It didn't make sense did it? No it didn't! So why? Why? Why? Why?! Why are you so desperately trying to kill him? Why are you showing such a heartless expression? I simply do not understand...? Why?

Sadly, none of these questions would be answered, at least as long as Yon had that killer glare, it felt like her entire face simply disappeared. There was simply a head, no eyes to be seen or a mouth or a nose. Just a blank darkened face, whether it was her hair. Or just the simple killing intent she exuded that gave her this. 

She suddenly pulled out of her outfit another knife, it looked different...A black key. She threw it in a way that even for Satsuma it was way too fast. As it came flying towards her target someone stopped it, with their body. A painful scream could be heard.

Satsuma - "E-Eric? ERIC?! YON! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! SHIT! Wait...Wait...why am I worried. alright?"

Yon suddenly stood still, she killed him? No, why was Satsuma so calm. Perhaps he's used to killing, clearly he was since his best friend died and he didn't even care ONE BIT! OF COURSE ALL THESE VAMPIRES DON'T UNDERSTAND HUMAN LI- Huh? Why is...Eric standing up again? 

Yon - "E-eric? Why...why are you alive? It shouldn't be possible...Black Keys kill everything in their path and I threw it at such force and're...Eric...thank goodness..."

Yon fell to her knees, in relief. This scary killing intent finally stopped and Satsuma helped Eric stand up again. He looked at Yon with a saddened expression and intended to leave but Eric stopped him, pulling the black key out of his head. His head regenerated as if the injury never happened.

Eric - "I think, we all need to talk with each other. Seriously, we all have things to explain."

Timeskip brought to you by Eric's immortality.

Satsuma's viewpoint:

It's weird. I don't feel nervous for some reason, the usual dining table where we'd be eating is for some reason so...silent, I can reminiscent ourself eating and laughing out loud, pointing fingers at each other. Sometimes even stealing the others fries, and yet now.

It felt like at just a single wrong word, our entire world could collapse together. How, how did things happen this way? Nonetheless, I threw a glare at Eric and nodded. Seems like he understood my message and started speaking.

Eric - "First thing first, I want to make something clear. Satsuma was going to drink blood from me, but mainly as an experiment. Because. Ehm. Yon, I'm immortal. I cannot die regardless what happens. If I lose a body part it regenerates or returns to me if it's not fully destroyed. That's why your...what did you call it? Black Key, didn't kill me."

Yon - "T-That's absurd, but. I did witness it live, so I have no other choice but to believe it. I still, I! I! I killed you and I!"

Satsuma - "Yon, I also owe you an apology...The truth is, remember on the Blue Moon day. The Moon Princess came and she bit me. Yeah, turns out she's a vampire...haha...isn't that funny?"

Yon - "Vampire?! That's no. That's not that absurd. That'll explain the body I found two days ago. If I understand you recently went through a transformation. It's yours isn't it?"

Satsuma chuckled a little bit embarrassed and out of sheer guilt. It was his fault, he simply couldn't handle it and someone innocent died. This singular fact shall haunt him forever. He killed to survive himself. How despicable.

Satsuma - "Yon, I-"

Yon - "Don't bother. I understand, Vampiric transformation causes one to behave in ways you cannot comprehend. Perhaps it's about time I'm a bit more honest with you two. You see, I've met the Moon Princess myself. In fact I had a little bit of a small square off session with her."

Satsuma and Eric - "WAIT WHAT?!"

End of Part 2


I'll be honest with y'all, I just wanted this chapter to be done. It's terrible and VERY BELOW MY USUAL STANDARD of writing. I just wanted it gone that's why I'll give it my all on part 3. See y'all, the french bac my mortal enemy awaits me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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