Chapter 1 : Red Eyes and Fangs

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Omniscient Viewpoint:

"The Moon Princess?!"

Uttered in astonishment, Satsuma's voice reverberated through the stillness of the room, his eyes darting in bewilderment as he beheld the majestic arrival of this distant goddess. The atmosphere felt charged with ethereal energy as if he were bearing witness to the very birth of the universe. It was akin to the overwhelming emotions evoked by plants achieving their utmost growth, reaching a state of perfect existence. His eyes widened, pupils dilating, and a subtle tremor seized his frame. The otherworldly, cold aura she emitted left no room for doubt. On this extraordinary day, bathed in the surreal glow of the blue moon, the figure before him was undoubtedly the one.

The Moon Princess. Indeed, it was her. Crimson eyes, radiant as the life force within one's veins, held an otherworldly allure. Cascading gold hair seemed to transcend the turmoil of existence, capturing the essence of life's cataclysms. Her pale skin mirrored the azure moonlight, casting an ethereal glow upon her petite, yet commanding, countenance. The Moon Princess calmly observed Satsuma as he remained locked in absolute shock.

Opening her magnificent mouth to unleash words, it wasn't a question, more like an indirect order. She was commanding him to obey, and he had no choice but to comply.

Eris - "Your name. What is it, child?"

Satsuma - "I...I...WHAT THE F- HNGH!"

His mouth was promptly sealed shut as she placed a powerful hand over it, ensuring his compliance with her silent decree. Her presence enveloped him, an exclusive encounter meant for him alone. No other mortal had ever basked in the privilege of standing in the Moon Princess's presence. Satisfied that he would maintain silence, she withdrew her hand, awaiting his response.

Collecting his breath once more, he attempted to open his mouth and speak, but words eluded him; shock held him in its tight grip. He pondered if Yon and Eric had overheard him, but there was no evidence of them having heard anything. They weren't even conscious. Both had succumbed to unconsciousness in the face of the overwhelming energy emanating from the Moon Princess. Their mortal bodies simply could not withstand its pressure.

It wasn't that Satsuma's body was inherently stronger; it was solely because he had been chosen by her to be seen and acknowledged. Thus, his body had been strengthened by her power and aura. He questioned why she had chosen him, and his mind finally clicked that she had posed a question, or rather, issued a command. Hastily, he drew a deep breath to calm his agitated body.

Satsuma - "S-satsuma S-sarasva..."

Eris - "I see, I am Eris Brunellia, I have been existing for as long as the moon has been. Son of Sarasva, I apologize for my next move. However, it is simply necessary. Do forgive me."

Satsuma - "Moon Princess...what do you mea-!"

Satsuma couldn't react as she drew close to his neck and bit, his entire body spasming upon their collective touch. He couldn't comprehend it. His life felt as if it were being sucked dry and destroyed in this very second, growing weaker and weaker, his life escaping him so fast...

Satsuma's POV:

It hurts, save me... It hurts. IT HURTS. IT HURTS! STOP! STOP! I CAN'T-! NO-! PLEASE-! I CAN'T... IT... IT HURTS....


I hadn't even noticed that she had long stopped. In fact, this was just the lingering effect of pain. It had long ceased, I could feel it. Her cold body had departed from my presence, and she was simply staring at me. Laid on the floor, the only thing I could resonate with in this moment was my sense of fleeting life.

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