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(This is a follow-up to Stephanie Meyer's 'Breaking Dawn', the final book of the 'Twilight' Saga. I was always incredibly uncomfortable that Jacob imprinted on a baby and took her away from her family, keeping Edward and Bella from being real parents - I want to show what it would be like for humans to use their free will, and Ness (not 'Nessie', the name Jacob chose for Bella and Edward's only daughter) rejecting Jacob.

I'd appreciate constructive comments and criticism - if you don't like it, please tell me why. I'll delete abusive and inappropriate comments, sorry - no hate :). I'm English, so writing in British English: tell me if I've got any of the Americanisms wrong!

I'm keeping to Stephanie Meyer's writing 'voice' as much as possible, so there'll be a superfluity of adverbs and adjectives, and a lot of wincing, flinching, mumbling and chagrin. But I wanted Bella to develop her own sense of self. In the original universe, Bella blames herself for everything – whether she's responsible for it or not, and more often, she isn't. In this book, the triple effect of Ness rejecting Jacob, the effect that Jacob has had on Bella/Edward's marriage and their relationships with the Cullen family, and the fallout from Bella's childhood during which she had to parent Reneé cause her to reevaluate her entire life. And not before time, in my opinion!

I'd like to think, in 2024, we can move beyond the original problems with the Twilight universe - the lack of power on the part of the humans involved, the coercive and controlling behaviour Edward shows towards Bella, and the idea that Jacob can force his way into someone else's family and lay claim to a baby without law enforcement being involved. Any comments or queries on this - let me know in the review section.)


In my waking nightmare, I saw them. The Volturi.

They were coming for us again.

Coming to destroy.

Seven years of happiness. Was that all I was entitled to? Had I run out my store of the good will the universe allowed me? I'd faced death so many times. But I thought that finally, finally, the threat was gone. I thought I was safe. I'd allowed myself to hope. I'd thought that once I was unbreakable, I would be invincible. All I had asked for was peace – peace and Edward, peace and Renesmee. Peace, and time. Time to enjoy immortality.

So stupid.

They came from the forest, emerging from the treeline, in their fan-like formation. I saw their black capes swirling over the frozen ground, their bone-coloured claws curled tightly in front of them as they ghosted towards us. They moved slowly, prolonging the moment: we were prey, there to be stalked, frozen by terror. Beneath black hoods, their red eyes gleamed sulphurously.

They came to judge. They came to condemn.

If it had just been me, if I was the only one to face these waking nightmares, I would have sacrificed myself gladly. Others were more worthy of life than I was, and I would fight to save their lives. It was second nature for me to sacrifice myself. But on this day, I was all that was standing between the Volturi and certain death for everyone. Everyone I loved, everyone who made up my world.

And my sacrifice would make no difference.

This time, logic would make no difference. Debate would make no difference. Pleading, prayers – no difference. We were all doomed. And now time was up. There was no more time.

And it was all my fault.

Even as I shifted into a crouch, my lips pulling back from my teeth, sheltering my beloved people behind me, I knew that my fight was hopeless. My sacrifice would be useless. Even though I was enraged, furious, my rage was worthless. I had always sworn I would not allow the Volturi to control my destiny and rob me of the things that were precious to me. But I did not see how we could win. I could see no way out.

But I would face death with my eyes open. And I would go first. I would madden our enemies so completely that they would sweep through my beloved ones like a mighty wave. I would battle so ferociously that the Volturi would be consumed with the lust to destroy. Death would come silent and swift.

That was the last gift I could give them. The only gift I had left.

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