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For the next few months, all I did was practise, practise, practise at my magic. Margaret was an endlessly kind, helpful and adept tutor, and I felt myself warming towards her more every time I saw her – not entirely, though. After Persephone's betrayal, I found it very difficult to trust anyone. I spoke to Dr Gallagher about it at our weekly sessions, careful to leave out the details – I thought that mentioning I'd created a new immortal who just happened to be a powerful witch, one hellbent on bringing the Volturi down, might end up with my being turned into a pile of ashes. Dr Gallagher was as kind and helpful as ever, and I began to hope that one day I might not feel as responsible for all the evils in the world. I saw myself changing every week, in outlook and responses, and my whole family noticed. They were very encouraging – they'd found my tendency to blame myself for the most minor things irritating (Rosalie) and saddening (Edward and Esme).

Gregorius told me in a message that he'd had every member of Persephone's coven placed on the no-fly list. She'd never been able to get off the ground the day she'd planned to travel to Italy and do her in-depth research on the date of Aro, Caius and Marcus's Change. The Symposion were keeping a close eye on her coven, and Gregorius told me that they were, temporarily at least, frustrated. They were recruiting new members all the time; there were now sixty of them, and they'd absorbed several small covens into their own.

What worried me most was Angela.

I'd called and messaged her thousands of times. I went all the way to Forks, looking for her; I'd parked my car unobtrusively near her house, and spent a night and a day watching to see if she came home. I spoke to Charlie, asking if he'd heard anything, but he hadn't; he'd promised me that he'd keep his eyes open for her. Charlie and Sue came to spend a weekend with us in Seattle, and we showed them all the sights. Even the pouring rain hadn't dampened their spirits, and we had a very happy time together.

'You know that 'imprint' –' Charlie said the word carefully, as if tasting something unfamiliar '– you talked about?'

'Uh-huh.' I was making a beef ragu, and turned to look at him curiously as I stirred.

'Well, something strange has happened. With Jake and Leah.'

'He's imprinted on Leah?' I shrieked, and the chatter in the other room cut off immediately. 'Oh. My. God. What does Leah think? What's happening?'

'She was sceptical at first,' Sue told me, coming into the kitchen and leaning against the counter near Charlie. 'She didn't believe that it was true. But there's no mistaking that look. He's completely devoted to her. She may be several years older than Jake, and a lot more mature, but he's growing up fast. They're real happy.' She laughed. 'I never thought to see the day when my daughter came home and announced that Jacob Black had imprinted on her. Thought my heart would stop. Seth is delighted – he hasn't imprinted himself, yet, but he's real glad for the both of them. Jake wants to marry Leah straight away, but she's being more prudent about it. She wants to finish up college and make sure he gets himself a regular job before setting down roots.'

'But what about starting a family?' I murmured, and Sue nodded.

'Yes, that was always a problem,' she told me, her usually fierce eyes now soft as she thought about her only daughter. 'But she stopped phasing for two months – too miserable over everything – and her periods came back. Charlie, they're part of life, and you're just going to have to deal with it,' she told my dad, nudging him in the ribs as he pulled a disgusted face and turned bright red. 'And my Leah was heartbroken at the thought of never being a mom. But she found if she kept her temper long enough, and didn't give into her inner wolverine, she could be like any other regular woman. She's real happy. She gave me a message for you, Bella. I wrote it down. Wait a moment.'

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