Introductory Course Log - Designation IP-001

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Extracted from AmpCore Central Curriculum Cache 106A


Primary Metric(s): Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

Secondary Metric(s): Trauma Support, Interrogation, Personal Combat

The Internal Principle is defined as: method by which a user may manipulate the internal structure of the human body, either of the user or a target.

This principle is considered a core principle for all AmpCore inductees, and, as laid out in Logs IP-025 through IP-39, has been assigned a primary metric for use in: Medical Diagnosis & Treatment.

Negative Consequence Potential Rating: S

Only AmpCore inductees with a control grading of XX or above are permitted to undertake Internal Principle training without a qualified instructor present.

All lower levels must be accompanied by an instructor at all times when in live training situations (see Ancillary Log IP-X26 re. Academy responsibilities and liabilities).

N.B. Incorrect application of the Internal Principle will result in serious bodily harm and/or death. Any students found to be practising this principle without authorisation will have their contracts rescinded and their sponsors will incur fines, as laid out in AmpCore contract Appendices 6748 through 6752.



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