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Evan's POV

"Evan, what the fuck!?" Gregory yells, and the blade is out of my hand before I can respond. "H-Hey—!" The words tumble off my tongue as I reach for the blade instinctively.

"No! What the hell are you doing!? Why are you doing this!?" Gregory's yelling and tears are rushing to my eyes, taunting me. I dont want to cry in front of him, but before I can force them down, they're already sliding down my cheeks.

Gregory's expression is softening and he embraces me, letting me burrow my face into his neck as resting his chin on my head. I register the loud sobbing, and I want to scream, to tell the person to stop crying, but its a realization to me that Im the one crying.

We sit there for a good ten minutes before Gregory picks me up and sets me on the sink. He rummages around the drawers and takes out bandages and rubbing alcohol. He gets a cotton ball, dousing it in rubbing alcohol before gently dabbing at my cuts.

I whimper, squirming. I see Gregory blush slightly. "Shh, it's okay. It only hurts for a moment." He reassures. I grip his hand tightly, my eyes clamped shut. He takes the time to clean the cuts and wrap them up, whispering comforting words and occasionally kissing my forehead.

It makes my stomach flutter and my body warm with love and affection, but I try shaking it off. When he's done, he brings me in another hug.

"... Why?" He whispers after some time.
Truth is, Im not sure. Is there a reason for me to be cutting tonight? No. Have I been sad recently? Not really, not up until tonight. But the sadness not being there makes me feel like something's missing. Like something has been taken away that has been there for so long.


".. I'm not sure."
"There has to be a reason."
"I.. I don't know."
"I.. Im.."
"I.. don't.. like my.. body. I want to be more to your liking." I admit, finally, after weeks.

"Ev, you're amazing. Amazing. In my eyes, and you know what? It doesn't matter what others see. Doesn't matter what others think, because if you keep trying to be everyone else and fit in and live by other's opinions... its not you. Its not your life. And... its not worth it. I like you. Just you. All of you. And I like you for you." Gregory rants, and Im listening to every word.

Its almost like a relief, but I know deep down, the feelings will surface again and I'll get bad again. ".. But.."

"No buts, Ev. You're amazing the way you are and I like you for you and only you and I've only ever had eyes for you and ears for you and—" I cut him off with a soft kiss. He returns it, his hands gently holding my waist. Im internally screaming, hoping he doesn't think Im overweight and thinks he's holding a big chunk of fat on my body.

I pull away, blushing slightly. "Please, Ev.. you have to promise that you'll never do this again. I cant lose you. I wont lose you.. Please. Promise."
"I cant promise."
"Sure you can!"
"I cant, because I can't guarantee I wont break it."
"Please.. at least promise to try?"
"... That I can promise."
"Thank you."

He hugs me and Im hugging back. "Please.. if you ever even think of this again, call me, text me, anything— I'll come running."


Theres silence for a while.

"I love you." He says.

And Im shocked because its the first time he's said it.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter, wanted to get something out quickly!!

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