Chapter 2

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(Luz's pov)

I stand there, blank and unreadable, it can't be. His chirping pulls me out of the trance I was in, and I hurriedly open the window. He jumps in and rests on my desk, in his mouth is a tiny note. He drops it on the desk, so I pick it up and read it.

Follow me

It reads, i was gonna do that anyways, if there's a chance I can get back I'm taking it. No matter what. Forgetting my tiredness, I race back to my bed and throw my boots back on and tell owl Bert to meet me at my front door.

I run down the stairs, but before I get to the door I remember to let my mama know where I'll be. So I pick up a stick not and put it on the counter where I know she'll see it. It just me saying I have to go back to the boiling isles, I don't know when I'll be back. But I will.

I leave it and head outside, locking the door behind me. I see owl Bert flying right Nescafé to my head before he turns around and flys towards the destroyed building where the portal was originally. And where I was left when I, um, returned to the human realm.

When we reach the house I see the door is yellow and glowing instead of broken and torn. This is it, I can go home.

I stare, standing directly in front of it, I knock myself back into reality and nod my head at owl bert. He heads in and so do I.

The feeling of nervousness fills my head. What if they don't want me back, what if they don't remember, what if... I can't stop now though as when I open my eyes I see the old owl house kitchen.

And I see my family, Eda, King, Lillith. I freeze, arms slack at my side and tears welling in my eyes. I don't realize it instantly but I'm brought into a huge embrace. Once I remember where I am I return the hug ten folds.

"I missed you kid."

I hear her voice, the voice of my mother figure, it's fragile but still comforting to be hearing it. I feel tears fall on my cheeks.

"I missed you too."

She pulls away, keeping her hands on my shoulders, just looking at me.

"Dang kid, think you've grown enough?"

I let out a teary chuckle, and smile, really smile, like I haven't in a while.


We share a laugh before I turn to king. Who looks like he is ready to pounce on me, which he probably will.

"Hey buddy!"

As I expected, he runs to me and jumps onto my left leg.

"Your never leaving again!"

"I hope not."

I crouch down and give him a strong squeeze until he squirming and telling me to let him go.

"Alright, but I get more of those later."

Then I turn to Lilith and give her a soft hug that still shows the affection I have towards her, and she returns it.

"Hello Luz, I'm very happy to see you back here on the isles."

"Im happy to be back cool Aunty"

We part ways and I turn to Eda again.

"So how am I here right now?"

I need to know, I thought I'd never return here.

"I'll explain."

(Time skip)

"...and that's about all."

Eda said as she finished explaining, surprisingly a lot of information.

"So let me get this straight. Once the portal exploded there was still remnants of it and you used those and some other materials to recreate the portal, having to go on many quests to find. And while you were creating the portal, you and Lilith were the ones who stepped up and rebuilt the isles itself and economy. Lilith became someone like an emperor along with you, and you two rule together as compliments of each other. Once everything was back in order as of, 4 months ago you said, you had enough time to finally finish building the portal, going through many trial and errors then two days ago you had finally gotten it to work, set everything up for me for when I returned and sent owl Bert out for me."

I breathed heavily after finishing the shortened version of her recap.

"Yeah that's about it kiddo."


I yelled into my hands and heard laughing around me, then I felt a hand on my back so I looked up.

"Well now you can make it up, you want to stay right?"

"Well of course I do, but it's not that simple, I need to tell my mama and hope she'll let me stay, which she probably won't. And I have this sorta band thing that is starting to pick up in the human realm. Is the portal able to be used whenever I want or is it a one way thing?"

"First, I understand where your coming from with your mom, next, band? And lastly you can go to and from the human realm as much as you need."

That makes things so much easier, we might be able to do this.

"Ok, we can make this work, and yeah I'm in a band with a few kids from my school, I'm not really close with them but I love performing."

I explained.

"That's great Luz, but I can tell your tired as it is, 1am, so go up to your room and sleep, goodnight kid"

Yes I was very tired, and I do want to sleep.

"Buenos notches Eda, have a goodnight, and thank you for bringing me back."

"No problem Luz."

I started my assent up the creaky stairs I remember, I reach the first door on the left, my old room. I open the slightly heavy door and breath in the familiar smell. It still looks the same, with the addition of a bed. Which I am very excited about, I mean I loved it here but sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor for months was not ideal.

I look around seeing the decorations I had put up when I was fourteen. I sat down on the bed, it was way comfortable then I was expecting, but I guess Eda is the one of the emperors now and can afford really anything she wants.

I lay my head on the pillow, and get under the covers, just staring at the Ceiling, until I see the door open a little and see king in the gap.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course buddy, come here."

He skidded across the floor and hopped on the bed, curling up at my feet like a cat and falling asleep almost instantly. I was soon after as I felt the effects of today hit me and I fall into a deep wonderful slumber, one of the best I've had in years.

Goodnight boiling isles.

Words 1174

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