Chapter 1

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(Luz pov) TW slurs, and bullying

I woke up to my alarm like I have for basically my whole life. 7:00 on the dot, I'm a very light sleeper. I lift off my bed sitting upwards now as I turn to the right to my window, grayish light was seeping through into my bedroom. I cave in and get up off my bed walking towards the blinds and opening them, a few seconds later creaking my window open just a tad to let some fresh air in, as I felt as though I was suffocating.

I turn around and walk over to my closet that was a little to the right of the door that leads into the hallway. I get to the two white blinds looking doors and slide the one on the left to the right opening my closet which holds shirts, jackets, hoodies, and throw overs. I pulled out a clean black shirt setting it on my bed, that sat in the middle of the room on the back wall. then I turn back over to my closet closing the left door and sliding the right one to the left as it begins to disappear behind the left. this side had my pants, shorts, shoes, and underwear.

I pulled out some dark blue faded jeans, a fresh pair of boxers and a sports bra, also my black high top converse. I set my shoes on the ground next to my bed and set the clothes on top of my black shirt, I decided I wanted to add a jacket so I yet again opened the left door and pulled out Eda's old grudgby leather man jacket. It reminds me of the happiest time of my life and I like wearing it cause it gives me a sense of comfort and vulnerability . I set that next to my clothes and begin to get ready.

I swap out my underwear throwing the olds to the laundry basket and slipping on the new. then I put my black shirt on, it reaches to my hips. I put on my jeans and tuck the shirt in them, after that I reach for the jacket but hesitate, I think of everyone I love and miss from the Boiling Isles. I sadden as I remember I'll never see them again, but never the less I carefully put it on, following that is my converse, as I tie them I stand up and look in the mirror.

I send finger guns to myself as I think I look great, I've never had a problem with the way I look, at least after I cut my hair, which I am very lucky for as I know how much people struggle with that. I looked at the clock seeing that 22 minutes had passed, I grabbed my backpack, skateboard, headphones, which I slid down to hang on my neck. Then I grab my phone off the nightstand then head out the door to the right down to the second to last door in the hallways, leading to the 1st out of two bathrooms in the house.

I go inside and set my backpack down on the toilet seat, then I look towards the mirror opening on the three cabinet parts of it and grab my cologne, and prey it on my neck area, hitting both my neck and clothes. I grab my toothpaste after and brush my teeth, then the last thing I do is fix my hair, roughing it up a little as it had grown out of the pixie cut and into a mullet style but not, I don't know really but it looks good. It was curly and scruffy, puffy along my forehead and getting curly but still puffy as it went down, only reaching to the middle of my neck. I put on some deodorant and headed out the door down to the living room. I reached the bottom of the stair and turned right into the kitchen I grabbed a bagel and put it in the toaster grabbing cream cheese out of the fridge. I checked the time on my phone seeing i still had 20 minutes till 8:00 which is when I had to leave.

I grabbed the bagel out of the toaster and put cream cheese on it and quickly munched it down. Once I was done I had a glass of water and checked the time again, 7:53, good enough I grabbed my skateboard for the ride there since my mom was already at work at this time and couldn't drive me. I grabbed my keys and went outside, locking the door behind me. The school wasn't very far away, 5 minute drive, 10 minutes skating. Classes started at 8:30 so I wasn't usually late. I headed down the street towards the school, once I reached it I felt dreadful of having to see everyone again and deal with annoying teachers. However I headed in anyways, I opened the doors and headed to my locker which has been the same all 4 years of going here. once I reached it I saw Amber, the head cheerleader and my bully, and her posse, her locker has always been next to mine, thats how we met, we were actually friends at first but then I asked her to homecoming, which, didn't end well. I went to open my locker when I heard the annoying voice of Amber Keith.

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