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Abby came out of the bathroom. "I guess I'm sleeping in this" Carol gestured to the dress she was wearing sarcastically. Abby laughed. "Yeah... I didn't bring clothes to sleep in either" Abby shook her head at herself.

There was a pause. "Would you mind if I slept... Nevermind" Carol said. "What?" Abby laughed. "I was going to ask if you minded if I just stripped down and got under the covers..." Carol laughed. Abby laughed nervously. "If we just stripped down to our undergarments and slept in those?" Carol elaborated.

Abby was pretty sure the sight of Carol in her bra and underwear would kill her. "Okay, let's strip down and then just get under the covers real quick. We wouldn't have to see each other" Abby said.

"Abby Gerhard, I didn't place you as the modest type" Carol teased. Abby just laughed nervously again. "Okay, I'll face this way" Carol said. "And I promise I won't look" Carol said sarcastically. They turned around and did so. Neither one looked. They got into bed quickly.

   Carol looked at Abby, next to her. "See? I didn't look" Carol smirked. Abby blushed. "Goodnight Abigail" Carol smiled. "Goodnight Carol" Abby said back. Carol then turned off the light.

   Abby was in disbelief that this was actually happening. She was half naked, in bed with her best friend, who she is in love with but is trying not to tell her. She doesn't know if she's leaving her husband, she doesn't know if Carol even wants to be with a woman, regardless of her attraction to them.

   She doesn't know if Carol even feels the same way. She assumes she doesn't. Yet, here she is... in bed... half naked with her, avoiding seeing her because she's trying to conceal her feeling's. This night couldn't get anymore ridiculous.

   That night, Abby woke up randomly, as she did most nights. She tossed and turned a lot in her sleep. Half awake, she opened her eyes, and looked around the room. She felt arm's wrapped around her and a head in the crook of her neck. Then she remembered.

   She looked at Carol, peacefully asleep, with her head in Abby's neck and her hands on Abby's waist, and abdomen. Abby got butterflies in her stomach. Sure, Carol was always a touchy person. They hugged when saying hello or goodbye but this... this was never something they did.

   Even though Carol would come over every day when they were younger, they really didn't have sleepovers because Carol would have to be back at the orphanage at a certain time. So, they never were caught in a moment like this to tell you the truth.

   Abby swallowed, her breath picking up a little. She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth. It's okay Abby, just calm down. It's just... Carol. You do not have to be this nervous next to her. She's your best friend.

   Yep, that didn't help at all but the breathing did at least. Abby slowly got up and went to the bathroom, trying not to wake Carol. She did this successfully, for Carol was a deep sleeper. Abby was calming herself down in the bathroom, when she heard a light knock.

   "Come in" Abby said softly. Carol walked in, still in her bra and underwear. "Everything okay?" She asked, calmly. "Yes, it's... I'm just a light sleeper" Abby said. Carol shook her head, not fully buying it but accepting it.

   "Anything I can do?" She asked. Abby was trying to look into her eyes, instead of at her body. Again, if Abby were to see Carol in her bra and underwear, she was sure it'd break her. The eye contact was not helping her though because it got more and more intense and my god was Abby a bad liar.

   Carol was great at reading people, especially people she knew well... and she knew Abby the most. "Promise me you'd tell me if something was wrong?" Carol asked sincerely. Abby smiled weakly. "I want to tell you everything, Carol, I..." Abby shut her mouth before she said too much. Carol just looked at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

   Abby's breathing got heavier. She looked up and she saw Carol coming closer. She made a mistake this time. She didn't look Carol in the eyes. She just looked at her... all of her. Abby couldn't take her eyes off her. She was so beautiful, so elegant. Every curve had a purpose, every sculpted groove, falling into the best place possible.

   "Abby?" Carol asked. She noticed she was staring. Abby sighed. She looked down at the floor. "It's me..." Carol said. "I'm well aware of that..." Abby said softly. "That's the problem... I can't... you're just..." she couldn't find the words.

   "Carol, I... I know you shouldn't hear this right now. There's so much going on in your life but I can't do it anymore. I can't keep this from you" Abby said. "Carol, I'm.... Attracted to you" Abby admitted. She decided to hold back on saying she loved her. She didn't want to throw too much at her but Carol needed to know she felt... something.

   "Oh... I... I see" Carol Said. "I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable or changes your opinion about me" Abby felt horrible. She felt like she was going to throw up. "Abby, look at me" Carol said. Carol put her finger underneath Abby's chin and tilted her head towards her.

   Abby's eyes met Carols. "It doesn't change a damn thing about how I feel about you" Carol said. "It's just shocking is all... and you could imagine... I've been through so much tonight. I just don't know if I can fully process that right now. I am glad you told me, though" Carol said.

   "Abby, you can always tell me anything" Carol said. Abby smiled. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" Carol kissed her cheek. "Just so you know... kissing me in your underwear, does not help with my feelings toward you" Abby laughed. Carol threw her head back laughing.

   There was a pause. "Ready to go back to bed?" Carol asked. "Yes" Abby smiled. Carol grabbed Abby's hand and they walked back and went to bed. Carol held Abby in her arms, and Abby set her head on Carol's chest and they went to sleep.

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