A Date?

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Since that night, a few weeks had gone by. Carol was apartment hunting. Abby had a friend who needed a roommate immediately, so Carol had moved in with her. She was perfectly nice but Carol only moved in temporarily, in order to get out of the house. She wanted a place of her own, long term.

Harge had stopped hounding Carol so much but she still hasn't gotten to see Rindy. Harge was deliberately keeping her from Carol. Isn't it unfair how children are sometimes used as a way to hurt the other person? The child is the one who truly suffers though.

Carol knew this and it was driving her insane. She didn't want to bring Rindy into this, it didn't concern her but Harge would do anything to make Carol his again. He couldn't stand the idea of telling his friend's, his wife left him.

His ego was the most important thing to him...Even more so than his own daughter, whether he realized this or not. Carol had finally found a lawyer...It was Abby's ex, actually. She and Abby didn't exactly end on the best terms but she was good at her job and that's who Carol needed, someone who was good at their job and could see things from a woman's perspective. So, she hired Bridget McGuire.

Bridget was professional and didn't think a thing about helping out a friend of Abby's and if she did, she was professional enough not to show it. They talked it over. Bridget asked her some personal questions, they delved deep into Carol's and Harge's relationship.

Bridget knew that's what Harge would have his lawyer's do. So, they went over all of the details and she made a case for Carol. Carol didn't want thing's to get ugly but she was legally prepared if they did. They weren't ugly people, no matter how ugly their relationship got. Carol was really hoping they could sort thing's in an amicable, mature way.

Carol walked into the furniture shop, after a long conversation with her lawyer. She was exhausted emotionally. She was divorcing Harge, and fighting for shared custody of their daughter. It was not easy work. Abby was right that night, though-The court would favor her, being that she's Rindy's mother. She just had to find an apartment first. One that was only hers. She had the job thing sorted.

Carol let out a long sigh, as she took off her glasses, her gloves and then her scarf. "That bad?" Abby asked. Carol took a deep breath. "Not bad... just exhausting" Carol said, absolutely drained. "Who could blame you?" Abby sympathized. "It's hard work" She added.

"How's Bridget treating you?" Abby asked. Carol smirked. "She's very good at her job" Carol said. "Hmm... professional?" Abby asked. Carol laughed. "Very" she said. "One might say... strictly" Carol smirked at Abby, who couldn't help but smile to herself. Carol knew what Abby was getting at.

"Good" Abby Said. "Is it?" Carol laughed. Abby blushed. "It's good that she's doing a good job" Abby said, saving herself, smoothly. Carol nodded her head. She wanted to poke at Abby a bit. "She's very beautiful you know..." Carol said.

Abby about jumped out of her seat. She just looked at Carol. "Never been with a red head..." Carol added. Abby smacked her arm. Carol bursted out laughing, throwing her head back as she got hit. "Carol!!!" Abby scolded. "You nitwit!!!" Abby sassed.

"You should've seen your face" Carol laughed. "Not funny!!!" Abby shook her head. "But you're laughing!!!" Carol pointed out. Abby just rolled her eyes. "You're cruel, you know that?" Abby laughed in amusement at her.

"Come on, if you don't have what it takes to handle a red head... I know I sure don't" Carol smiled. That made Abby feel a little better. "Plus... she's my age. You know how it is for me" Carol smirked. "Oh yeah, you do like extremes..." Abby smiled. Carol nodded her head.

   "Has Harge let you talk to her yet?" Abby asked. "No..." Carol said, looking out of the window. "The nerve..." Abby said, getting heated. Carol scoffed. "If he can't have me... I can't have Rindy" she said, somberly.

   "We'll see about that!" Abby said. Carol looked over at her and smiled. She held Abby's hand. Abby gave her a kind, sympathetic smile. An unspoken token of gratitude and an understanding of the unspoken language.

   "What are you doing tonight?" Carol asked. Abby shrugged. "No hot dates?" Carol smiled. Abby was silent. They hadn't talked about Abby's feelings for Carol. Too much had been going on to even acknowledge what was said.

   Abby didn't know how to respond. Should she stop dating? Should she just... be alone for now until Carol figures it out?  Would Carol start dating? She didn't know how she fit into all of this.

   Carol realized there was a weirdness there. "Want to grab a drink with me?" Carol asked. Abby's face lit up. "Of course, you nitwit" Abby laughed. "Okay... it's a date then" Carol said. A date? Could she have meant that?

   Abby didn't know what to say and before she could say anything, Carol was leaving the building. Abby couldn't stop thinking over those words and their meaning or lack there of. Could Carol have meant that literally?

   Abby decided she would follow Carol's lead, instead of clarifying. So, she finished up in the shop, went home and got ready. She dressed up more than usual but not too much, in case it wasn't a date. She did not want to make a fool out of herself. To tell you the truth though, if Carol asked her... she would be her fool, a million times over.

   She arrived at Scotty's, five minutes before the time they set. She walked up to the host and they showed her to the table. To her surprise, Carol was sitting there already. She was always late to things but she was early this time. "Hello" Carol smirked and sipped her martini.

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