First Rain

763 70 14

Another Person's POV

He looked at himself in the mirror. The black suit crafter with gold lining made his appearance more royal. He wears his perfume before walking out of his room to the living room they are waiting for him.

They bowed down when they saw him walking down the stairs. Ishan nodded his head and looked at Rana. The most loyal servant of his grandmother.

"Did she send you to keep eyes on me...?"

He asked nonchalantly while they were heading out of his house. Rana was looking down all the time. He couldn't dare to meet the prince's eyes. They know their place.

"We just got instruction to ensure your safety, Prince..."

Ishan chuckled and got into the black Mercedes. Rana instructed the driver on the location of the Hotel Blue Moon owned by Ishan's family.

Ishan kept looking outside. The night felt so dark and lonely. Sometimes he wonders what it would feel like to be born into a normal family. Where he doesn't need to get monitored. Where he could laugh without fear of people mocking him.

Soon they entered the gate of the hotel. It was lit up so beautifully. Some people beg just for the look of this hotel but for Ishan, it was nothing more than a building built on the dead body of his parents.

His parents died because of this so-called structure. He blink his eyes to not trickle down those tears he promises to never shed.

Rana opened the car door for Ishan. He comes out and fixes his coat before entering the hotel. Everyone bowed down for him.

Rana was walking beside him while eyeing every single person. Ishan hates these so-called formalities which are nothing more than a facade.

He entered the hall which was filled with elite people and some big celebrities. Ishan clicked his tongue. He doesn't want anyone to recognize him here. He looked at the table where the ball masks were kept. He smirked and put one on...


"She asked me to attend it but never told me to show my face to them..."

He said back and walked toward his grandmother who knows very well how Ishan would rebel against everything she did for him.

He touched her feet and looked at her. She smiled and patted his head. He hugged her lightly.

"You look gorgeous...."

He told the truth. She still looks the same as the first time he saw her when he was dragged back to India from London. Her eyes still shine the same as before.

"I was hoping to show off my such talented grandson..."

She said with a small smile. He slowly shook his head. She nodded her head and then held his hand. She dragged him to every person one by one. They all looked at him curiously. After all no one ever saw the Prince's face.

And this ball was the best opportunity to get close to the Prince for their future relations.

Ishan usually ignored getting into any conversation with them. He quietly stood beside her and only answered when it was needed.

"I am proud of you prince..."

She said and kissed his forehead. He knew she wasn't happy with his decision to become a cricketer but at least he was able to make her proud after getting selected in the team India squad.

"How about you stay a night here...? I told workers to clean up your penthouse..."

She said with hope but Ishan would rather die than stay here. He shook his head and replied.

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