Glimpse Of Past

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Another Person's POV

Ishan opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling above him. He felt someone's holding his hand. He frowns and tries to get up.

He looked at the man sleeping peacefully in the jersey of Gujrat Titans. Ishan couldn't help but stare at the younger face. He has a small smile on his face. He looked so innocent while sleeping.

Ishan tried to call him but he didn't even know the name of this person. He brushes his hair lightly.


He whined like a pup from Ishan's touch. He chuckled when he heard this tall main whining.

"Wake up...."

Ishan tried to wake him up gently but Shubman just snuggled more hearing his voice. He couldn't find the courage in his heart to wake him up from his deep slumber.

His phone rings beside the table. He saw twenty missed calls from Rana. He sighed. He doesn't want to deal with all this.

He tried to stand up from his bed without disturbing the man but he failed miserably.

"Don't....please don't leave Rajkumar...."

Ishan was engulfed in a hug. Shubman nuzzles his neck. Ishan breath hitched. Why does it all feel so good and familiar to him...?!

"Who told you about me...?"

Ishan asked him. No one knew about his identity. He wanted to know how he knew him.

Shubman looked into his eyes. He held his hand and put it against his beating heart. Ishan could feel every beat of Shubman's heart.

"My heart...."

"How......? I mean why...? Umm..."

Shubman looks a bit hurt. Is Ishan not feeling the same for him? I

"Your name...?"

Ishan asked. Shubman left his hand and pulled back a few steps away from Ishan. He felt pretty cold when he pulled back. His body started craving Shubman's warmth.


Ishan nodded his head. He doesn't know why it is paining him to see that expression on the younger face. Shubman tried to not look into Ishan's eyes.

"Why you pulled me back here and....why you call me Rajkumar...?"

"I don't have the answer to your questions. I just know one thing that it felt right to say. The only word that came to my mind when I saw you feels like you own my heart...."

Ishan blushed when he heard those words. He never heard someone talking about him with so much passion in their eyes.

"Look, I have to go Shubman... My team must be waiting for me..."

Ishan said to him. He just silently nodded his head. He could feel his heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

"It was nice meeting you..."

He left after saying that. Shubman just stood there staring at nothing. He rests his hand around his heart. It felt like it stopped.

"Why is all this happening to me...? What relation do I have with you, Rajkumar Ishan...."

Ishan again disappeared from people's eyes. Shubman searched him in every way he could. He asked Virat and Rohit but both seniors didn't know much.

It was a deal that Ishan made with MI that no one would ask for him after the IPL matches. He would only appear if there is a match otherwise you won't find him.

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