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Another Person's POV 

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Prince...."

Raj said, looking at the man hidden under the veil. He was hoping to finally meet the man who had been hiding away from the eyes of the royal world. He took a sip from his wine.

"Sometimes your secrecy makes me wonder how beautiful you must be, Prince, that you have to hide from the world in this way."

Ishan closed his eyes and tried to control his urge to punch the man's face. He had to keep his calm, after all, he was the prince.

"I don't feel worthy enough to agree with your claim, Mr. Raj. My grandmother already announced the reason for this. I find no use in explaining it every time. Let's just get to the point."

Raj clicked his tongue in anger. He didn't try to show it on his face, but Ishan had played this game long enough to know what the other person was thinking.

"Our party wants to demolish this place to build a healthcare facility for the people residing here. This city doesn't have proper medical care for their well-being."

"Hmm....but this palace has been here for more than fifty years. Why so sudden?"

Rana looked at Raj pointedly. He could feel the intensity of his gaze drilling a hole into his body. Raj tried not to let his plan be tampered with.

"Prince, you are well aware of how hard the civilians were protesting to our"

"You wanted something to keep them quiet and make them vote for you. I feel funny looking at you Mr. Raj. Instead of working on what they were protesting for, you're trying to make another problem for them..... I won't have time to continue this useless conversation with you. I won't sell this palace until I am alive.."

Ishan ended the meeting right there and Raj just stood there dumbfounded. He didn't think the prince would be this hard to deal with.

Shubman was looking around for Ishan after the party when he stumbled into Sara. She seems drunk. He wanted to avoid her but he couldn't leave her like that all alone.

"Why you even come here....?!"

Shubman asked in a strict tone. He is tired of her clinging to him all the time. It's testing all his patience.

"Because I love you. How many times I should repeat myself, Shubman..."

She asked when he reached in front of her door. She looked at him lovingly then his eyes looked at something before Shubman could look in the direction she was looking she hugged him tightly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Shubman was taken aback by the sudden action. He tried to push her off.

"I know you love me Shubm-"

Before she could speak a hard slap landed on her face. Shubman looked at Ishan standing there in anger.

"Rajkumar....she is a woman."

Ishan scoffed and looked at her holding her cheeks. She looks flabbergasted.

"Who gave you the right to hit me....?! What are you other than a pathetic player....?!"


Shubman's voice was loud and clear. Ishan glared at her. Before Shubman could do anything Ishan didn't wait a second to hold her wrist and dragged her to the reception.

Everyone was shocked to see Ishan so mad.

"Let me show you what I can do for you touching what belongs to me..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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