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"Rocky leave my hand ,I hate you and I don't wanna be with you", shouts Reena trying hard get out of his hold.Rocky ignores her and holds her hand more tighter and takes her to his room forcefully.Once they reached the room he leaves her hand and locked the door.

Reena checks the room it is decorated with flowers and candles and there is a king sized bed covered with flowers.Then she looks at Rocky and Rocky moves closer to her by throwing his blazer recklessly on the floor and unbuttoning his shirt.Reena held the gun beside her and she is about to shoot Rocky holds the gun and says "Chinna I have many plans tonight, you seriously want to spoil the night by playing" and smirks at her.

Reena: Stop it Rocky I told you earlier that there's is someone in my life. Please leave me I wanna go back to him.

Rocky comes more closer to her and holds her shoulders tightly "Don't you dare to think about another person Chinna You are only mine,and about that guy be thankful,I am not killed him yet ,but if you dare to talk about him again I will kill him for sure."Tears started flowing from her eyes ,few hours before she was very happy because she married her love of life and was about to leave to her husband's house but all of sudden this man came there and scared everybody by threatening and brought her forcefully from there.

Feeling his touch near her neck she came back to the world.Rocky holds the mangalsutra tied by her husband and snatched it."I don't want the things related to him near you chinna, don't worry I will get the good one for you" saying this he steps back and scans her from top to bottom she is in her wedding saree looking more beautiful suddenly her being with another man came into his mind and he thought " whatif I am not there here today ,she will marry him and that man will be making her his" the thought of another man near her raised the monster in him.

Rocky started kissing her,Reena is feeling disgusted by his touch.Rocky started pulling her more closer seeing no reaction from her he steps back and says "If you don't obey me I will kill him Chinna" Reena shocked at his words "Now smile for me chinna" Reena smiled as no option left for her she doesn't want to put her husband's life in danger.Rocky picks her in bridal style and places her on the bed carefully like she was made of glass.

Rocky again kissed her and she didn't give in.Rocky glares at her. She understood him and she give in.Rocky nuzzled into her neck and slowly undraped her saree and made love to her the whole night to calm down the monster in him.He marked her as his forever, he ignored all her pleas and didn't stopped his work.Reena is feeling disgusted with his touches.Both get tired and drifted into sleep.

In the morning Reena opens her eyes feeling sore and found him sleeping soundly and holding her tightly if someone will take her away from him.She cried as she remembered the last night and she was about to get out of his hold ,Rocky opens his eyes and kept staring at her naked body.Reena glares at him and covers herself with the duvet.Rocky pulls her close to him and slowly kisses her and starts to go further but she stops him by saying that she has to use washroom.

She is not able to walk by seeing her discomfort Rocky holds her and leaves her inside the washroom.Rocky wears his clothes,goes near the window and started smoking looking through the window.On the otherside "Reena is crying thinking about how her life changed in a night".

"I don't know what you think about me chinna,but I don't have the thought of leaving you you have to stay with me forever."

Then he listens the sound of unlocking the doors and finds her in a towel and water drops falling from her wet hair .He slowly goes near her and pins her to the wall .He says staring into her eyes "Don't worry chinna I don't force you again unless you disobey me " ,and slowly kisses her cheek after that he helped her in wearing the saree and fed breakfast to her with his hands Reena doesn't argue because she knows the consequences .

" you look so tired take rest and finally one more important thing"he comes more close to her and continues "If try to escape from here then I think you know what will happen right" saying this he placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet and placed a kiss on her forehead.Then he left to mines.

Reena cried out of her heart and slowly drifted into sleep.


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