His Kill lady

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In the morning Rocky woke up first, he wore his boxers and covered his sleeping wife with his shirt first and then the duvet. He went into the bathroom and freshened.

Rocky is preparing some breakfast for both of them. A smile formed on his face as he felt a pair of hands hugging him from behind. It is his wife who has woken up just now. She is still in his shirt indicating that she directly came near him after waking up from the bed. May be she missed him.He lifted her up and placed her on the kitchen slab and continued his work. Reena leaned on his shoulder and kept looking at him. He kissed her hair line.

He cupped her face and said " Chinna eat something and take rest for sometime and then spend your time with the kids okay and I am not coming in the afternoon don't skip your lunch , have it with kids okay" . Reena nodded at him like an obedient student. Rocky left after giving her a deep kiss on her forehead.

Reena freshened first and completed her breakfast like a good girl. She went to Khasim Chacha 's area to play with kids for sometime. Rocky arranged few of his followers to take care of her in his absence. She enjoyed a lot with the kids there. She teached many games to them and also learned many games from them.

While she is going to have lunch with the kids few men came there and asked her to come with them as their Bhai is calling her. She thought it might be Rocky, but she knows he never sends any messengers between them and he informed that he will come back in the evening. With these thoughts she reached a house. The guards took her inside a room.

She asked the guards " Who are you and who told you to bring me here".
" Me Miss Desai" replied an aged person sitting on a throne kind of chair inside . Reena got irked by seeing the man infront of her. Reena calls one of the guards who brought her near him and slapped him.

Reena neatly folded her hands near her chest replied to him in a cold tone " I know that I am famous. But it doesn't mean that you have to show special care on me ,I mean sending your car and your men to bring me, and the most important thing I am not Miss Desai anymore. I am Mrs Reena Raja Bheriya. " She again slaps the guard saying " Rocky ki biwi matlab usme aadha nahi hai uska double . Keep it in your mind okay"

( Rocky's wife is not half of him, his double. Keep it in your mind okay)

(Telugu: Rocky pellam antey Rocky lo sangam anukunnara , Rocky ki double)

(Sorry I couldn't able to translate properly. It's a dialogue from a telugu movie. Any guesses from Telugu readers)

Shetty gets up from the chair and goes near her and says looking at her "I love fiery women. You know what Rocky always dreamt of my chair . But he is not worthy to even touch it ,be mine I will make you the queen of Bombay. A rowdy like him ,doesn't worth .." words stopped as Reena shot him on his both legs with a gun which she dragged from one of the guard . The guards tried to surround her but stopped as she aimed the gun at Shetty's head. Shetty got scared and begged her for his life. Reena chuckled at him and said " look at yourself first uncle. You are begging others instead of fighting. You know what you don't have the worth to talk about mine and about that throne it is not even worth to place his legs on it . "

Finally she left from there after shooting few more bullets in his legs and hands. After all she is very generous. She doesn't kill a person like him.

She went from there "where were you beti" asked chacha concern coting his voice. " Chacha I went to celebrate Diwali with my newfound friend" she replied and went away from there to avoid further questions. In the evening she is reading a book inside chacha's house. There comes a small boy and he gives her a chocolate. Reena kisses him on his cheek and asks him who gave it. " Rocky Bhai" saying this he ran away from there. " But Rocky informed me he will come in the night" she mumbled to herself. She asked one of her guards to take her to Shetty's residence.

She reached there and found Rocky torturing Shetty with a knife in his hands. She is witnessing his beast side for the first time. " How dare talk about my queen huh, I am feeling to kill you at this moment, but my wife spared you, just because to respect her decision I'm leaving you, but you will going to get a big punishment than death" he said stabbing the knife into Shetty. His shirt covered with Shetty's blood , his hair devilished and the anger he hold on his face , he is truly looking like a monster.

He looked back with the same cold face , Reena got shocked plus a little scared because he is far away from the Rocky she knows. His face gets changed after seeing her. He wiped his hands and went near her and took her to the chair by holding her palms. He gave her a glass of water to calm herself. He knelt infront of her. He took her palms into his " I am sorry Chinna, because of me he said such words" . Reena gestures chacha to go from there . All the guards went from there giving them privacy.

She is surprised by the fact how he turned from a monster to gentleman after seeing her , for her he can do do anything. The man who can scare many people with his name, knelt infront of her asking sorry. She didn't believe in love , but her man doesn't left any reason to not fell. She is happy now. She attached her head with his and closed her eyes relishing the moment.


Sorry for the late update guys.

Please avoid grammar mistakes.

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I know many of you are waiting for villain's entry to know what happened in the past,but I want to continue few more chapters on our Roena's love without any problems and villans. Purely them and their love.
Please comment your decision on it .

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