Good News

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Rocky is searching for Reena every place in Bombay. All negative thoughts clouded his mind. Then he receives a call from the hospital.  He ran to the hospital praying for her.

Flashback :

Reena fainted while holding the gun from the one who came to kill her. The killer smirked seeing her fainted figure. He knelt down and about to touch her then a bullet hit his hand. He turned to see the person and again the person shot his  other hand. It was Rajendra Desai.  His eyes are blood shot red radiating anger .He came near the killer and pointed the gun at his head  " Dare to think about harming my daughter again. Actually you are not able to do that again. You are  taking revenge for your father's death right , now go near him" . He finished him. He tried to wake up Reena and carried her to the nearby hospital.

Doctors examined her. They informed Rajendra Desai that she is pregnant. Rajendra Desai eyes filled with tears, he is processing everything that his child is going to give birth to a child . He can't believe that his princess has grown this bigger. He came towards her. He stared towards the sleeping figure and kept his hand on her forehead. Then he kept his forehead on her feet asking sorry for his actions. Reena woke up feeling something on her feet. She removed her feet from her father. Rajendra Desai held her palms in his and asked her  " Princess, please forgive your father. I am not against your love. But being a father I am afraid of the fact that his feelings for you are true or not. Your happiness is the only thing required for me princess and now you are going to mom and I am going to be grandfather. You have a complaint that I never spend time with you right. Now, I will spoil my grandchild. I will become the best grandfather ". Tears formed in Reena's eyes  and  hugged her father tightly. Rajendra Desai informed his guards to inform Rocky.


Rocky reaches the hospital. He released a relief sigh after seeing his wife fine.  She is on the hospital bed her father is trying to feed her an apple and she is showing tantrums. A smile formed on his lips. He moved towards her. Rajendra Desai moved away from there after giving him a deadly glare. Because he was not present at home to protect her. Rocky went towards her and checked her from head to toe , to verify whether she was fine or not. He hugged her like his whole world depends on it. Reena is caressing his hair to calm down him.

After sometime Rocky pulled back and attached his forehead to hers. " I am afraid a lot Chinna". Reena then told him everything happened except her pregnancy. After ,the doctor came " Mr. Bheriya , she is very weak. It's not fine for both of them. You have take care of her". Rocky nodded.  " You and who are weak chinna, and why should I take care of him".asked Rocky.

Reena : well there is no other option Mr. You have to take care of him.

Rocky : Chinna, you are my love and my wife. It's my responsibility to take care of you and I am not going to do anything for that person.

Reena:  He is not another person, Rocky. He is very special to me . As I said there is no other option for you.

Rocky : so , you are arguing with me for that person right. Tell me who is he and how is he special to you.

Reena : You will know after he comes to our home.

Rocky: No I am not allowing him to our home.

Reena :  I am not asking your permission. I am informing you. Once he comes between us. I will love him more than you.

Rocky ( with anger)Chinna. Who  is...

Reena : Our child. We are  going to be parents Rocky.

Rocky trying to process everything. Tears formed in his eyes. He smiled and hugged her tightly. He kissed every inch of her face. He carried her to his home in bridal style.

After reaching home. He placed her on the bed and went inside the washroom. He came out with a bucket of water and a towel . He sat in the floor and placed her feet on his lap. He cleaned her feet with that towel dipped in water because they just came from hospital. He kissed her on forehead and left from there.

He came there with dinner and fed her. He collected her in his embrace.
He leaned on the headrest of the bed with her in his arms and his palms on there where their symbol of love is growing. Reena placed her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. They stayed in silence for sometime and enjoying each other's presence. Reena called Rocky. Rocky hmmed in response and place his chin on her head. "Kya hmm, Mera ice cream Rocky" asked Reena looking into his eyes from his chest. "I will send guards, bacha"  saying this Rocky kissed her cheek and rested his cheek against hers.

Reena: Rocky . Let's go and get it nah.

Rocky: No, Bacha. It's very cold outside.  You will caught cold. If you want to go . We will go tomorrow.

Reena : Rocky Please.

Reena showed him puppy eyes . Finally Rocky agreed.

They both went outside and  enjoyed alot .

Finally they returned home. Rocky placed her legs in his lap and started massaging while Reena is enjoying her icecream. Reena brought a spoon near his lips and fed him .

Reena woke up from sleep. Patted on the other side of the bed , but didn't find him. She opened her eyes and found him in the balcony, lost in his thoughts. Reena called him and gestured him to come near her. Rocky went near her and placed his head on her lap. Reena started caressing his hair and asked him "what happened, Rocky". Rocky told her everything thing about Andrew's deal. "Chinna, I never thought of loving someone and having a family, all matter to me is the promise which I made to my mother. Finally I got a chance to fullfill it . But,  I am not going to leave you like this. I am not going to take risk. May be I will think another way to fullfill my promise ".

Reena cupped his face " Rocky, listen. I am your wife. I am not going anywhere from you. First you go and work for the promise. And I will also come with you". Rocky chuckled at her words and said " It's not safe for you Chinna, there will be many problems". Reena replies " I trust my husband. And don't underestimate me. I am more stronger than you. Don't worry bacha, I will help you with those goons okay". Rocky chuckled at her words and gathered her in his arms. Both drifted into sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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