A Letter From The Past

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It has been a two months since Rithik's incident happened. After that incident many things changed between Rocky and Reena. Reena started to accept him and eventually she fell for him. But one thing bothering her very much that she is actually wanting to know about his wife.

Rocky went to attend a meeting for one week
. In his absence Reena understood that how much she loves him. She is missing all his flirty dialogues,his hugs,warm kisses and finally him. On the other hand Rocky also missing her very badly but being a work alcoholic man,he engaged himself in his business. When he's free he calls her and talks to her about hours.

It is evening time around 5pm. Reena and Shanti are in Reena's room. Reena is helping her daughter to do painting.    Reena kept adoring Shanthi while she is doing everything carefully. They are disturbed by a phone call. Shanthi lifted the receiver and screams  PAPA in joy. Rocky smiles at his daughter and asks her "How is my princess doing"

Shanthi: papa I'm painting yours and mumma's picture.

Rocky: okay maa carry on. Don't trouble your mumma much. And I don't forget to bring the toys.

Shanthi: Papa I want many toys.

Rocky: okay maa I will get  you many toys okay.

Reena takes the receiver from Shanthi and says "Rocky are you comming tonight"
Rocky: Sorry Chinna! The work doesn't finished yet. I think I have to stay here for few more days.

Reena : Don't worry Rocky.Its fine.You just stay there and don't come back .
Saying this she puts the receiver down. Rocky sighs thinking that many things changed but not her anger and kisses her photo placed on his table.

Shanthi shows the painting to her mumma. Reena passed a  smile to her and ruffles Shanti's hair.

Aftersometime Reena fed dinner to Shanthi and made her sleep in her lap. Reena kept looking at Shanthi while caressing her hair. She is thinking "I hope you are my daughter" and kept looking at her affectionately. She placed Shanthi on bed in Shanthi's room and went to balcony to have some fresh air.

She came into her room after awhile and changed into comfortable clothes.  She tried to sleep but her mind is clouded with Rocky thoughts. She went to wardrobe area to get Rocky's shirt. She found a letter hide inbetween his clothes.
                       The Letter

Hello Rowdy baby,
Hope you are enjoying your so called vacation with your wives alcohol and  files. Don't you remember you have a wife who is waiting for you. I am missing you and your talks please come soon Rocky boy.

Husband  please come soon nah! Our house doesn't feel like house without you. And you promised me to never leave me alone right. Mr.Man of promises what happened to your promise now??

And one more sweet warning if you don't come tomorrow I will start searching a husband for myself. Then I will never miss you okay.

Don't forget to bring icecream ok. If you forgot then you have to find a good room in your huge mansion to stay for one month.

Don't forget to eat on time.

Bye bye.

                         Your one and only love.

  Reena understood that it is the letter written by his wife. By reading the letter she understood that they both loved eachother and she is very special to him. She wanted to know more about her. She is thinking very deeply about his wife. 

A thought strike her mind and she went to the wardrobe area and started searching. She found a mangalsutra, a pair of bangles, anklets,and a black saree. She draped the saree and adorned herself with that bangles, anklets and finally mangalsutra. She was looking at herself in the mirror.

Rocky came there to convince his chinna as she disconnected the call few hours ago . Knowing her short temper he came there asap. But dumbfounded by seeing her. Reena observed him and she was shocked to found him there at this time. Rocky moved towards her slowly and pulled her closer  " one thing is missing chinna " he said placing sindhoor on her forehead. He placed a deep kiss on her forehead. He kept looking at her with atmost love.

He slowly started kissing her and she responded very soon. Rocky kept pulling her more closer inbetween the kiss her lifted her in bridal style and placed her on the bed and started giving butterfly kisses on her neck . He nuzzled into her neck and started enjoying her scent . Reena lost all her senses . That night he again showed his love for her many times.

After the session Reena felt asleep and Rocky started staring at her " you didn't changed even a bit Chinna , you are the same whom I proposed between the road and married, my wife ,my queen" saying this he remembered their past.

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