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First of all sorry for the late update. I wasn't able to update last week, l am not getting time cause of exams.

Sorry 😔😔😔.


After four months of their marriage .

Many things have changed in these four months. Their love bloomed day by day. Now they are addicted to each other. Rocky feels he is completed with her. Her cute anger, her stubbornness ,her way of fulfilling her deeds by emotionally blackmailing him by showing her puppy eyes and her cute pout when her disagrees with her. She behaves like a child with him and at the same time she becomes mature when he needs her support. She is his perfect Queen .He is really enjoying his life with his Chinna. Reena always craves for his attention and his pampering. Literally Rocky is spoiling her like a child.But, sometimes it is becoming very difficult for Rocky to control his stubborn bacha his chinna.

Today she is very angry with him cause he denied her from eating ice cream . She ate a lot of ice cream yesterday and now she is demanding for more. He is worried about her health.
Reena is glaring at Rocky who stopped her from eating ice cream. He avoided her death glares and went to the bathroom to have a shower. It increased her anger more. After the shower Rocky tried to open the door and found it locked from outside. He let a deep sigh . " Chinna , open the door bacha".

On the other side Reena leaned on the door and folded her hands neatly across her chest and said imitating him "Chinna,get an ice cream for me bacha" . Rocky slightly chuckled at her childish behaviour and said " Chinna ,I have important work right now, I will get you ice cream in the evening, open the door nah " . " Chinna , I will open the door in the evening until then stay under the shower thinking about me nah". Rocky released a deep sigh he knows this is not going to end . " Okay , I will get you ice cream now, but on one condition from now on no more chocolates, no more outings and movies, is that okay for you" . Reena opened the door with a thud sound and continued her work of glaring at him.

But it became more difficult to her as he came out of the bathroom only in towel. The sight is very tempting for her. His well toned body , water drops falling from it and his wet hair falling on his face. Reena kept looking at him. A smirk formed on his face. Rocky pulled her towards him and they both fell on the bed. Rocky came top of her , he hovered over her balancing his weight on his elbows. He shook his head and droplets fell on her face and Rocky wiped them by rubbing his cheeks against her face. Reena closed her eyes. He kept caressing her cheeks .

He leaned to kiss her. Reena stopped him placing her palm between their lips. Rocky tried to remove her palm. " Dare to kiss me Rocky, I will pull the towel from you" Reena said with anger. Rocky moved his lips towards her earlobe and replied in a husky voice biting her earlobe sensually " Like you don't know anything about me, who stopped you chinna , you can pull the towel and do what ever you want , I am not going to stop, infact I will help you in that" . Reena's eyes widened with shock and she looked at him. Rocky winked at her tried to kiss her. This time Reena pushed him successfully by kicking him . Rocky groaned in pain and said " Hey, it will effect our family chinna" . Reena went from there saying "shameless creature" .

After having his breakfast and feeding her he left from there.


Rocky is in some random tea shop with Daya and Andrews infront of him. " We know that you have some personal issues with Rajendra Desai, I hope it should not disturb our deal".
Rocky looked at him and asked him to continue.

Andrews: Garuda returned one week back. It's the correct time to implement our plan, but it is not easy as the earlier plan. You have to goto kgf to kill him ,it is the only way. Here , these are the route maps . You have to go there as soon as possible.

It's the time Rocky waiting for. He planned it all earlier. That's the reason why he spared Garuda on that day. Now , the problem is he has to leave his wife for few days. He doesn't take her with him ,knowing it is a very dangerous place and he doesn't leave her here alone. He is getting worried about her safety. He knows that his queen is strong enough to take care of herself, but he doesn't have the heart to leave her. Now all his mind is occupied with her and her safety. The main problem she doesn't agree to leave him. She will definitely show tantrums to come with. She will definitely do something to go along with him, like she did in the morning for an ice cream. A smile spread over his face as he remembered morning events. He immediately started his bike to reach her and laughed like an idiot while thinking about her

In the afternoon

Reena is in balcony, engrossed herself in a novel. She got disturbed by a sound in the house. She went inside to see who it was. She went inside the living room. There she saw one person sitting comfortably in a chair like he owns the place. His back facing her .Reena went there and asked him "who are you?, what the hell are you doing in my house".

The person laughed loudly and turned towards her. He get lost in her beauty. He kept looking at her from top to bottom. Reena felt disgusted with his looks . She throwed the vase in his direction to gain his attention. Looked at him with anger filled in her eyes. " So, you are Reena . The one who is the reason for my fathers death. Actually, I came here to kill you. But, after seeing you I changed my mind , I am going to keep.." words died in his mouth as she threw another vase on his head. He came near her and pulled her towards himself by her hair, she tried to hold his gun. But suddenly fainted....

Rocky returned home . But he doesn't find Reena there. He got worried and angry at the same time. The monster inside him waked.He is becoming mad by every passing second.


Pls avoid grammar mistakes.

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I am really sorry for the late update.

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