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In the night, Rocky is waiting for his wife in their bedroom which is decorated with flowers now . Finally his waiting came to an end when he heard a door opening sound it's his wife adorned herself in a beautiful white saree and looking like an angel. His legs dragged him towards her and he made rounds around her. She is holding a glass of milk in her hands. Rocky took the glass and placed it on the side table. He pulled her towards himself holding her waist. He was about to kiss her but she pushed him away and started roaming around the room and Rocky was following her like a puppy.
" Wow this looks so beautiful" said Reena while observing the room. " Hmm it's beyond beautiful" said Rocky in a husky voice seeing her waist which is slightly visible. Reena looked at him confused and understood his words now.

She dropped her saree pallu from her shoulders giving him a good view and started smirking . She slowly went near him and took him to the bed holding his hand. She made him sit on the bed and settled on his lap. First she ran her fingers from his forehead to chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. She ran her fingers on his chest. Rocky is enjoying her acts. She made him drink milk from the glass which she bought earlier. Rocky is trying to kiss her then she again pushed him and started running from there. Rocky started chasing her but he wasn't able to catch her. Finally he caught her and held her hands behind her giving her a victory smirk. He placed her on a dressing table which is arranged for her in their room. "You know that I will catch you right, then why are you wasting our time Chinna" he asked. " For fun ,fun" she replied blinking her eyes with a smile on her face. Rocky was not able to control his urge to kiss her. He finally kissed her until she pulled back herself due to lack of oxygen.

He helped her to remove her bangles , necklace, anklets etc. Eachone is replaced by a small kiss. He knelt infront of her and took her both palms in his hands and kissed them he asked her for her concern looking into her eyes. She assured him with a small peck on his lips. He carried to their bed in a bridal style. He made love to her whole the night. They lost the count of the rounds they have. He treated her like she was made of glass.
In the morning around 4am he took her to the bathroom and gave a shower to reduce her pain. Then they both slept cuddling each other.

In the afternoon Rocky woke up and found his wife lying on his chest and playing with his fingers thinking about something. He found her so cute and kissed her hair. She looks at him from his chest and passed a smile at him. Rocky pulls her closer to him " Don't you wanna take rest Chinna and what's bothering my chinna" asked her holding her chin. She snuggled into his neck and Rocky was waiting for her answer.

"Rocky do you have one-night stands before" she asked not looking at him. Rocky said no to her. She moves away from him and sat on the bed forgetting she doesn't ware anything and asked him " Then how do you know all the things you did yesterday to me? ". Rocky doesn't paid any attention to her words as he was completely distracted by her. Getting no response from him she covered herself with the duvet and snapped at him bringing him back to the reality.

Rocky pulls her towards him. " Don't talk like you didn't know anything? How come you know about all these things dear wifey? Have read books or watched films" . Reena hides her face in his chest " I have read in a book" she says trying control her blush. " Hmmm books huh " Rocky started teasing her. She beats his chest and demanded him for his answer. " I watched in a film" . Reena looks at him doubtful. "Promise Chinna you are the only woman in my life" says Rocky pecking her forehead. They both stayed for sometime like that.

Rocky started squeezing her waist which made her to moan. She moves closer to him , Rocky was thinking to have another round. But she spoilt it by saying she is feeling hungry inbetween thier kissing session. Rocky wear his clothes and asked her to take rest until he will get the food for her.

While Rocky is cooking in the kitchen he felt a pair of hands hugging him from behind . He knows who it was and he took her one of the hands ,he kissed it and placed it near his heart. Reena placed her chin on his shoulder s. " So my Roudy Romeo knows how to cook" she said sniffing the smell of the dish. Rocky smiles in return. She started disturbing him by tickling him.He lifts her by her waist and placed her on the kitchen slab. He gestured her to stay quiet. But she doesn't listened to him and started disturbing him again by imitating him, throwing vegetables on him .

Finally he finished. He asked her to come near the dinning table. She nodded negatively. Rocky let a heavy sigh and took her to the dinning table. He told her to eat . She gets up from her chair and make herself comfortable on his lap. Rocky smiled at her childish acts. They both feeded each other.

Rocky took her to outside. They both roamed in the city. All the people around them surprised to see this side of Rocky. There is one person who has an evil eye on Reena.

Rocky carried Reena to their home as her legs were paining . He made her sit on the bed. He went inside and brought some warm water and a towel. He removed her heels and cleaned her legs with warm water and applied some ontimenent to reduce the pain. And told her to sleep. Reena lifts her arms to invite him which he happily accepts. She is trying to unbutton his shirt,but he stopped her saying " You need some rest Chinna, we will do it tomorrow, for now take rest" and kissed her forehead. Reena snuggled into him. Rocky patted her back until she fell asleep.


So that's the chapter guys. Hope you like it.

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