Mom and Dad

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Reena wakeup in the afternoon and she is roaming in the garden for fresh air.She hears some giggling sounds and turns her eyes towards the direction.There she sees a little girl around 4 years playing with a butterfly ,catching it in her hands. Reena went near her and knelt down to her height and says "Baby please leave that nah!, it's not good to hurt others for our happiness". The cute girl pouted listening to her , "But I like it ,I don't want to leave it mumma" saying this she ran away from there.

Reena is shocked by listening the word MUMMA . Then mallamma arrives there and Reena questions about the girl. Mallamma gives her a confused look and told her she's Rocky Bhai's daughter. Reena is shocked and asks mallamma that who is her mother. Mallamma gives her a confused look and then laughs saying "Don't try pranks on me bhabhi,She is yours and Rocky Bhai's daughter". Reena didn't understand anything,she wanted to ask Rocky about the girl.

It is night about 9 0 clock. Rocky arrived from the mines and finds his chinna waiting for him in their room. He back hugged her and says that I missed you chinna kissing her hair. Reena pushes him away from her.

Reena angrily says that "Stop it Rocky just stop it, you have a daughter with another woman and saying others she is our daughter,wait I understand that you actually forced yourself on her mother and it resulted that girl, after that you found me and killed her mother and you lied to others that she is our daughter , and who knows maybe be tomorrow you will find another entertainment and kills me and..." the words unfinished in her mouth as Rocky kissed her hardly.

When both are out of oxygen Rocky stops it and holds her shoulders tightly and says "Don't you dare to talk about anything like that Chinna and you have no right to ask me questions" Rocky closes the distance between them and says in a husky tone "you crossed your limits Chinna don't you think you need be punished." He takes her to the bed and started removing their clothes.

He started placing wet kisses near her back .She doesn't know why but it felt nice to her and without her knowledge her body give in. Rocky smirked at her response. He slowly enjoyed the whole night by taking what he want and giving himself to her

In the morning Reena wakes up and found him sleeping soundly, holding her waist tightly.An unknown smile passed on her face. Suddenly she she reminded something and went to the washroom.She looked at herself in the mirror and washes her face and sobs covering her face with her palms."God what I am doing! Why I'm having soft corner for the person who brought me forcefully and how I forgot that I'm married and I'm cheating on him".

She comes out the washroom after freshening up and found Rocky with a towel wrapped around his waist.Rocky says " Don't think much.I never lied she is our daughter and I told you earlier that I am not going to leave you chinna " adjusting her hair strands. Reena doesn't looks at him. "Okay Chinna you look so tired go and have some breakfast, I will join you " saying this he left into the washroom.

Reena came down and sees the cute girl showing trauntams to eat food ,she smiled looking that.She doesn't hate the kid for her father's action and she's feeling bad for her mother(she concluded that Rocky used her mother as his entertainment) she promised herself to be her mother.

Rocky entered into the dining room and sees his Chinna feeding his daughter and smiles looking at them. Shanthi (Rocky's daughter) runs near him and Rocky lifts her up.Reena smiles seeing this. Rocky places Shanthi on his lap , Reena continues feeding her while Rocky feeds Reena.

After completing the breakfast Rocky left to mines giving a kiss on Shanthi's forehead and a peck on Reena's lips. Shanthi giggles seeing this.Reena tries to hide her blush.


Please comment and tell me how the story is.

I know many of them having doubt that why Rocky is behaving like this ,you will find out soon.He had his valid reasons.

Any guesses about Shanthi's mother .

Please forgive me if there is any mistake.

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