1. Denial

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The proud Mathur Residence glowed softly in the morning sun.
The day was special and was filled with gleam joy and the happiness radiated through the white washed building that appeared with golden hues under the bright sun shine.

It was the twentieth birthday of their only daughter... Bansi Mathur.

The preparations for the evening function were in full force. Decorations were being made. Guest list was finalized. Return gifts were already packed and labeled. The vast gardens were being watered.
Though the party was in a lavish banquet in a well known hotel of the town, nothing could stop the enthusiasm in the huge villa.

The door burst open as Samrat walked in after his morning exercise. He had been personally looking in the preparations of the evening function. Though he was exhausted, he made sure to talk to the party planners and warned them that nothing should be out of place. It was not everyday that his cousin turned twenty.

After a quick refreshing shower, he was all set to go to his cousin's room and gift her the set of gold that he had purchased the previous night.

Bansi was engrossed in her books when she heard the knock. She sighed, knowing very well who could it be at such an early morning. She sprinted to the door and opened it wide with an equally wide smile.

"Hey Princess! Happy Birthday." Samrat exclaimed engulfing her in a bear hug.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and mumbled a small thanks. Samrat furrowed his brows and pulled away. He looked at her and found her looking back at him.

"You are not happy? What's wrong?" He asked.

She smiled wide.
"Off course I am happy. Why wouldn't I be?"

Samrat pursed his lips.
"What is it, Bansi?"

She huffed annoyed.
"Nothing, Bhai. You are worried for no reason."

He shook his head in defeat. He knew what made her sad, but he did not wish to address the issue. Placing a warm kiss on her forehead, he walked out after lovingly asking her to come for breakfast. Bansi gently pushed the door and resumed her studies now that her exams were approaching.

She was again distracted when she was called for the breakfast, where her entire family was waiting.
Naren, elder brother of Samrat and her eldest cousin, along with his wife Richa Bhabhi, gifted her a new scooty that she could drive to her college. While her parents, Mr. Aniket Mathur and Mrs. Sapna Mathur, gave her the keys of a new apartment.

Bansi bent down to touch the feet of all the elders but everyone could see a sheen of sadness behind her smiles. While the family was trying to lighten up her mood, all the attention was stolen when a charming voice was heard.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful!" Veena rushed inside and pulled Bansi in a bone crashing hug.

While everyone laughed at the duo, Samrat was over the moon to see the woman who was almost his heartbeat.

"Veena! When did you come?" He asked pulling her away from his cousin.

"How can I not come, when it was Bansi's birthday? I will not miss it for anything." She replied and was immediately pulled in his embrace.

Veena found the warmth weirdly soothing.

Samrat and Veena had instantly clicked and he found a sister in her that he never had. She was closer to him than Bansi. Veena being more outgoing and social, she had beautifully filled in the void of a daughter for the Mathur siblings. She was an important part of the family for Samrat and Bansi was slowly sidelined. Though Bansi was equally loved, she was too young and naive. She was the child of the family and nothing more. Veena on the other hand, very quickly took over the hearts and minds of the Mathur family and treated Bansi as a child that she was.
Bansi never got the chance to outgrow from the role of being a kid.
Bansi was always a loved and pampered, yet well behaved child. But the role of being a sister was skillfully snatched by Veena Shukla.

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