29. Truth and Lies

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After the hearty and emotional breakfast, Arjun was about to get up and leave.

"Where are you going now?" His mother asked.

Arjun looked at her, wondering what he would answer. All these years, there was no one to question him.
He nervously rubbed the nape of his neck.

Sapna stepped ahead and put a hand on his cheek.
"Don't put yourself at any unwanted risk. You are not alone now."

He nodded looking down. Changing his mind, he walked back to his room.

He sat down and closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.
He looked up as Mitra walked in and cane closer to him. He was quick to pull her closer and hide his face in her midriff.

"Arjun? What's wrong?" She asked concerned.

He just tighter his hold over her waist and shook his head.
She knew he was just overwhelmed by the attention he was getting. He was not used to being looked after.

He left her after a moment and stood up.

"I am sorry." He whispered looking down.

"What for?" She asked smiling.

He just shook his head and whispered, "I will see you in the evening."

"Arjun!" He halted in his tracks as she stopped him from leaving the room.

"I need to go back."

He blinked. "When?"

"Tomorrow." She replied and he nodded.

"I will make the arrangements." He replied and walked out.

He went to Bansi's room and knocked on the slightly open door. The was no response and he apprehensively peeped in. Bansi was no where in the line of his sight. He contemplated once and pushed the door open. He looked around at the empty room, and a wave of disappointment washed over him. He had come there to see his sister before he left for the day, but she had probably already left.
He was about to leave when his sight caught attention of the thick books lying on the bed.
Curiosity took over him. There was no harm to take a look at the books of the subject that had his heart.

He walked in and picked up the book of human anatomy.
He was just surfing through the pages and a smile slid on his lips as his eyes glinted with fascination.

"Is it interesting?" A smooth voice came from behind him and he turned around as if caught in action. He immediately kept the book back and blinked at her.

"I was just taking a look. It was lying here unattended." He tried to cover up.

Bansi smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes.

"You need something?" She wondered to see him in his room.

Arjun parted his lips at was rendered speechless for a moment. He came there to talk to her, but now when she was in front of him, he was lost.

"I thought... You know, I was anyways going out. You want me to drop you somewhere?"

Bansi thought about it.
"That's a good offer. I was going to college. If it at all falls on your way, then.... You can drop me."

Arjun smiled.

She came closer and without a warning hugged him. He was taken aback.
"I missed you, Bhai."

Arjun sucked in a sharp breath and wrapped his arms around her. He was too overwhelmed to respond. He could just manage to kiss the top of her head.
She looked up at him and pulled away gently.

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