36. Lost Claims

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Arjun least expected Veena to be the visitor.
He froze for a moment and blinked with thumping heart as he took in the reality. A weird sense of uneasiness crawled all over his body.

Veena's expressions quickly changed from surprise to hurt and then transformed to something unexplainable. When the initial shock subsided she took in his tall and rigid frame.
The Arjun she had seen was so different from the Mann standing in front of her. Dressed in a crisp light blue shirt, and smart fit trousers, he appeared much more groomed. The sleeves of his shirt were neatly folded to his elbows, making his dusky skin stand out on the bluish background.
His sharp jaw was covered with well trimmed light stubble. His dark brooding eyes were still the same.

Arjun blinked when he realized that Veena was checking him out. He took an involuntary step back as he recalled the same situation once back in the outhouse. With a quick glance towards Samrat, who was busy coating the fritters in tamarind sauce, Arjun walked away to his room with hasty steps.

"Hey, you are not eating." Samrat commented, helping himself with another fritter. He was hungry after the day's hard work.

"What is he doing here?" Veena asked, trying to mask the venom in her voice.

"Who?" Samrat asked, gulping down the half-chewed fritter.

"Your cousin." Veena replied, trying to hold back the urge to roll her eyes.

"Oh. Arjun! He stays here." Samrat simply stated.

Veena was taken aback. She had assumed that Arjun had left the place after the annulment. She was aware of the fact that Arjun was accused of being involved in Sahil's death. She had assumed that this time too, the family might have thrown him out on the streets.

"Where?" She asked again, composing herself.

Samrat looked at her and blinked.
"The guest room."

Veena let a moment go and then chuckled lightly.

"What's wrong?" Samrat asked.

"Where do you think i should stay?"

Samrat shook his head.
"I will arrange another guest room for you."

Veena furrowed her eyebrows lightly. It was evident that she did not like the arrangement.
"Don't bother. I should take your leave. I better stay at my own house."

Samrat licked his tongue and picked up another fritter and coated it leisurely in the tamarind sauce.
"Don't be silly. You promised me, you will stay. He won't bother you."

With that, he stood up walked away to his room to freshen up.

Veena rubbed her eyebrows with her slender manicured finger and was lost deep in her thoughts. After another moment of determination, she walked away to the room that Arjun occupied.

She knocked on the door, but received no response. She just turned the knob and pushed open the door. As she walked in and looked around, she could see that the room was still the same, as she occupied it earlier. The sound of running water stopped after some time, indicating that Arjun was done with the shower. It took long for him to open the door and walk out wiping his hair on a towel.
This time too, he was wearing a light blue T-shirt with round neck.

His eyes widened when he saw the intruder. Throwing the towel on the bed, he looked at the open door of his room.

"Blue suits you." She stated and Arjun was taken aback. He somehow did not like to be commented upon.

"What are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same thing." Veena was prepared for that question.

Arjun pursed his lips.
"This is my room."

Veena looked at the gold chain in his neck. The metal stood out on his dusky smooth skin.
"I can still say the same thing."

Arjun deadpanned as he realized that she was not looking into his eyes while she talked. Her gaze was stuck on his neck and throat. He felt stripped, even when he was fully clothed.

Arjun turned around and walked to the dresser. Pulling out the drawer, he fetched a small bottle of perfume and applied a drop on his wrists.

"What do you want me to do? I can move out. I will be happy to stay in the outhouse." He said, without looking at her.

Veena shrugged her shoulders.
"Are you staying here alone?"

Arjun halted in his movements. He did not know why he felt the need to mention his wife.
"No, I share it with my wife, Mitra."

Veena raised her shapely eyebrows.
"Wife.... You mean a new toy?"

Arjun looked at her, flabbergasted.
"What?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

She chuckled, "when is the annulment?"

Arjun clenched his jaw and closed his eyes briefly.
"I don't have to explain it to you. If you are done, please excuse me. I have got some work to do."

"Sure." Veena instantly replied with a fake smile.

Arjun was about to feel relieved and she was about to leave, when the phone lying on the bed gave out a ring, getting attention of both.

When the name 'Mitra' flashed on the screen, both looked at each other. Arjun could see a weird challenging look flash through Veena's eyes.

"You work is calling... Important work, I might add." She gestured at the ringing phone and turned on her heels.

Arjun was left with a word uneasiness building in his chest as she left, closing the door with a thud.

"Hello?" Arjun's voice was raspy.

"Are you alright? What is it?" Mitra asked as she noticed a strain in his voice.

"Yeah, I am good. Just came back." Arjun replied, sitting on the bed and taking a deep breath.

There was a moment of silence on the other end.

"Was the work too much? Did your father say anything?" Mitra pronged again.

Arjun chuckled.
"You are worried for no reason, Mitra. I am absolutely fine. Tell me about you. You were very busy today."

Mitra did not appear convinced. She decided to let the matter go.
"Yes, the usual stuff. Nothing special. I just realize, how efficiently you handled everything. It's difficult without you."

Arjun chuckled.
"I am honoured, Ma'am."

Mitra laughed, reminiscing the old days, when Arjun used to call her Ma'am.

"Now tell me what made you upset?" Mitra asked again.

Arjun instantly fell silent. He did not know if he was paranoid.
"I miss you, Mitra. Come back, please."

That was an honest confession. Mitra's eyes welled up. She knew, it would have taken a lot of self respect for him to say that. She was the only one who he had allowed to see his vulnerability. Even in front of of Kunal he pretended to be unbothered and unfaltered. Kunal knew better, but never pointed it out. But Mitra was the one to touch and mend his open wounds.

Without her, he was a lost case.

"I will be there this weekend. I promise." She whispered.

Her simple words were enough to bring a hope in his heart and a smile on his face.


Another chapter up.

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