24. Unveiled

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Dear readers,
Thanks a lot for the love you showered on Arjun.

Let's talk about his parents.
Mathur's are a simple straight forward, conservative family. While they love their kids, they do not support them stepping out of the line.

Arjun's case was extreme.

He was found heavily drunk, with a molested girl, who happened to die later on.

That is the first glimpse of the scenario for everyone. The fact that he was drunk and was under the effect of alcohol cannot be ignored. Any sane father would punish his son for destroying the life of a young girl.
This, at the age of eighteen is not acceptable, not at least when he doesn't have enough explanation.

No one knows what exactly happened, not even Arjun has a clear picture and that made him even more guilty in the eyes of everyone.

Talking about his friend, it was his sister who gave the statement of Arjun's innocence.
Arjun was barely eighteen, but Kunal is much older and much more mature than him and helped him clear the charges. It is nowhere mentioned that the case was closed. It's only mentioned that Arjun was cleared of all the charges.

If anything is still bothering you, please remember that this is just a story.
No character is same and people have different methods to deal with different situations.

We have seen many fathers...

We have seen Vihaan, who can make his kids tow the line with an ice-cream...
We have seen Vijaysingh Shekhawat, who can be there with his son, who chose to remain silent, and offer his full support...
And, we have a devil like Kabir, who can be helpless for his son.

Arjun's father has just seen a son who has molested and killed a girl, not to mention, the same son kidnapped a girl and married her forcefully. He can't sit back and watch the show.

Kindly be mindful while you give the comments.

We will witness a few more dark stories in the future.

Appreciate your support.


It was afternoon when Kunal came back to the hospital, with a bag in his hands. Mitra followed him. She had swollen eyes and appeared as if she had been crying.
He straight away walked to Aniket, who was already eyeing him skeptically.

The family had seen him in the morning with a young girl, and even before they could inquire about him, he was gone. But now that he came back, their interest piqued up. He looked at everyone, but his gaze halted at Richa, who could not stop meddling her fingers, nervously.

"How is he now?" He asked Arjun's father.

Aniket stood up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"He is doing better. But, do we know you?"

Kunal shook his head in denial.
"I am here to talk to you. I need to discuss something really important."

"Is it more important than than my son, who was almost on death bed?" Aniket did not know if the anger was on the young man or on himself.

Kunal scoffed.
"You left him to die on streets. Anyways, I need to clear a few points. If your family can give me few minutes, you will know the answers to a lot of questions. I am sure you all are wondering why Sahil tried to kill him."

Richa looked up at him and then at Arjun's father, who was giving Kunal a meaningful look.

"I will meet him and then we can go to your place. Mitra will be staying with him until anyone of you wants to come back. If not, I and Mitra are there for him."

I Am GuiltyWhere stories live. Discover now