41. Dimensions

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An angry voice boomed in the living room as Samrat held onto shocked Veena. He could not digest the fact that his loving sister was manhandled.

Arjun was not in the state to reply. He took a staggered step back and was immediately held by Mitra, before he could loose his balance. Everything happed so quickly that no one could comprehend anything. Aniket could see just one difference - The way Arjun leaned in the comfort offered by Mitra and the way he was disgusted by Veena's touch. The act spoke for itself.
Sapna recovered from initial shock and rushed to her son, only to realize that he was burning up.

Mitra could feel his body warming up. The temperature was higher than she had felt in the entire day. Fever was kicking in. She felt helpless. She knew, since Arjun had acted out of instinct, the consequences would be ugly. She did not know what to do anymore. Arjun felt more lightheaded than the entire day.

"How dare you do this to her?" Samrat roared again.

Arjun was surprised when his father stepped forward and held him by his shoulders. He gently guided him to the sofa and made him sit, Mitra was quick to offer him a glass of water. She was trying hard to fight her tears, but the worry on her face said it all. Aniket looked at the young helpless girl and then at his son, who looked like he was fighting a headache.

"Do you have a headache?" He asked stroking Arjun's back.

Arjun did not find it necessary to lie and nodded his head. Sapna rushed inside to get the medicine that could help him in fever and headache.

"Chachu? He raised a hand on Veena and you are still concerned about him?" Samrat asked with hurt laced voice.

Mitra wanted to punch daylight of his face, but she decided to focus on her husband. She held the glass of water to his lips and Arjun drank a sip of water and pushed the glass away.

"Chachu?" Samrat called out again impatiently when Aniket did not grace him with an answer. Both Sapna and Aniket had conveniently ignored that Arjun had just slapped Veena.

"What do you want me to say? He is not in the condition to understand anything. Lets talk about this when he recovers." Aniket declared. Mitra looked up at him with hurt filled eyes. For a moment, she thought that he was looking out for Arjun. But it hurt to know that it was temporary.

Sapna came out with a tablet and asked Arjun to gulp it down with water. Arjun did not think twice and did as told. He was too drained to protest.

Aniket looked at him and stood up to his full height. He looked at Samrat who had walked closer.

"You can't just let him go because he is sick. He slapped Veena." Samrat stood his ground.

Aniket furrowed his brows and both Mitra and Sapna looked at him.
"I do not appreciate the act, Samrat. Nor do I believe in raising a hand to a woman. But looking at the facts, she was overbearing, when he clearly opposed it."

"Overbearing? Really, Chachu?" Samrat seathed in anger. "What about this woman? She is all over him."

Mitra widened her eyes. This was the most disgusting thing she had ever heard.

"Mind your tongue, Samrat. You are talking about his wife." Aniket warned.

Samrat blinked at the threat in Aniket's voice.

"She is his wife? Then what am I?" Veena interrupted harshly.

"Nothing. At least for him. Not even an ex-wife. The marriage never existed in true sense." Aniket bluntly replied.

Arjun for the first time, looked up at his father and Mitra was shocked to hear that.

"My son did you a favour, Veena. Or you would have been crying for mercy by now. Have an attitude of gratitude that he gave you a chance to life." He added.
Arjun's heart skipped a beat. Mitra's eyes filled up with fresh tears.

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