Chapter Seven - Ambush Attack

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During the three weeks, (YN) has been taking note of changes, such as the nausea and her vomiting in the bathroom, fatigue, plus the constipation and loss of sleep. These symptoms were really unexpected, and he didn't know what's going on. Wheelie did say something that seemed offended, only for Wolfang to suddenly strike with a whiplash strike, sending Wheelie flying across the room.

Whenever the others would ask if she's alright, Mikaela would say it's nothing but a bit of illness and nothing serious. One day, she suddenly lashed out at them, surprising (YN) and scaring Brains, Wheelie, Wolfang, and even Bumblebee. (YN) wasn't sure of this change in behaviour, but he got her to calm down after giving her some ice cream. After that, Mikaela apologized to the Autobots and her husband for her actions, (YN) accepting her apology.

Mikaela also began to complain about her back hurting from what she calls "work-related stress", so (YN) began to do some soft and firm massages on her shoulders and back, much to Mikaela's surprise and she relaxed into her husband's hands, letting him do the work and make her feel better, feeling a type of euphoria as she settled in. Bumblebee even allowed Mikaela to sit inside his alt-mode, him using his seat warmer function and massage to help her.


One Tuesday afternoon, (YN) was driving with Bumblebee, Prowl, Cliffjumper, and Elita One, the four of them going for a drive just outside of Washington DC, all the while keeping a look out for any signs of trouble. (YN) also needed to take some time off from Mikaela, but he appointed Roscoe to keep an eye on her, since he can trust him more than Wheelie and Brains.

Prowl: "You seem stressed." He commented as he drove alongside.

(YN): "Oh, I'm just trying to deal with being on leave of absence by Mearing, on top of Mikaela acting rather strange." He sighed to himself. "It's really annoying."

Elita One: "Yeah. That woman had no right to do that." She commented as she drove up to Bumblebee's right. "By the way, how has Mikaela been?"

(YN): "She's been alright, but recently, she's been acting out of character." He sighed softly,

Bumblebee with the others now stopping at an open field, allowing him to step out and stretch his legs, and Wolfang also transformed into his wolf mode. They spotted Longarm and Jolt not too far them as they were repairing an Energon detector, with Arcee and Chromia with their weapons out, guarding the two in case of any signs of activity. Longarm was holding a Cybertronian holo-tablet, almost identical to an IPad, while Jolt was checking the electrical system and installing new wires.

Cliffjumper: "Hey, guys." He greeted, and they waved back at them. "What's wrong with that Energon detector?" He asked, gesturing to the detector.

Longarm: "Some humans threw large rocks at it and damaged the sensor reading systems." He answered. "It should be fixed by now."

Jolt: "I think I got it." He claimed, finishing the wiring. "Try it." Longarm pressed a few buttons on the tablet and the red light on the detector came on.

Longarm: "There. All fixed." He declared proudly.

Chromia: "So, what brings you five out here?" She asked Eliza's group.

Elita One: "We were going on patrol until we decided to take a break from driving." She answered. "Then we spotted you fixing a Energon detector."

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