Chapter Eighteen - Victory

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The battle is over. Both Megatron and Sentinel Prime are dead. And Cybertron... is no more. Optimus slowly stood up, looking at the dead bodies of Sentinel and Megatron before tossing the shotgun away, marking the end of the long, devastating and tiring war.

 Optimus slowly stood up, looking at the dead bodies of Sentinel and Megatron before tossing the shotgun away, marking the end of the long, devastating and tiring war

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The sound of feet moving caused Optimus to turn around, to watch as the other Autobots and humans walked up to him. Many of them were damaged; Longarm was being supported by Jolt, Mirage was gripping his left arm, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Sunstreaker looked a little beaten up but otherwise fine, along with the others. As for (YN), his exo-suit was damaged with scars and pieces of his armor was broken off.

Brains and Wheelie, who have miraculously survived the ship crash, both appear on the bridge, though Brains with one of his legs broken and reconfigured into a crutch, both appear as Arcee and Chromia helped them over to meet with the others. Elita walked up to Optimus, staring at both the bodies of Megatron and Sentinel.

Elita One: "Optimus..." She whispered, looking at him.

Optimus: "It is done." He nodded, his voice relieved.

Elita said nothing after that. She then brought out a piece of armor from her back, and handed it to Optimus. It was piece of Ironhide's armor with the Autobot insignia on it. Optimus shut his eyes in sorrow for the loss of his old friend as he closed his hand. Elita then turned to look down at (YN), who has a guilt expression on his face. She knelt down to his level.

Elita One: "(YN), are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

(YN): "I destroyed your home." He spoke sadly, voice filled with guilt after what he had done, and what he had said. "Now you can't go back to your planet. It's gone forever. I just wish... there was another way." A small tear leaked from his left eye.

Elita One: "(YN)," She placed a hand on his shoulder. "you did what you have to do." She told him comfortably. "Cybertron had its chance. You saved your home - our home. That's all that matters." (YN) felt little better, but the guilt still lingers. She pulled him into a hug as (YN) buried his head into her breastplate.

Lennox: "(YN)." He called, getting his attention as (YN) let go of Elita.

Lennox pointed ahead and (YN) saw Mikaela with Wolfang and another group of soldiers and sprints over to her. (YN) hugged her and spun her around. Mikaela kissed him with nothing but love within her, and they don't part one another until after a full minute.

Mikaela: "I'm so sorry, (YN)." She muttered. (YN) buried his face in her neck with a sigh.

(YN): "It was my fault." He muffled into her neck. "You're the only thing I have in this world and I will make it up to you. I love you."

Mikaela: "I love you too." She said back. They held each for a moment before she released her embrace as (YN) still held her waist. (YN) felt her body trembling.

(YN): "Hey, are you alright?" He asked in concern. "You're trembling."

Mikaela: "I was hoping to tell you this before you went on your mission, but with what's been going on, I wasn't sure if to tell you until everything was alright." She responded.

(YN): "Tell me what?" He asked, confused. Mikaela gently held her stomach.

Mikaela: "(YN)... I'm pregnant..." She revealed.

(YN)'s eyes widen as tears leaked from them. He fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around her lower back, holding her close as he buried his face into her abdomen as he cried while she hugged him back, stroking his hair. He then stood up to his feet, gently placing a hand on her stomach, knowing his own flesh and blood is inside of his wife. Bumblebee and Wolfang walk towards them, Mikaela petting Wolfang as (YN) and Bumblebee fist bump and hug each other. Elita knelt down and picked up the two humans, hugging them close to her form, (YN) and Mikaela hugging the her back.

Elita One: "Oh, I'm so happy for you two." She gushed, looking to the two as Arcee nodded. "Looks like our family has just gotten a little bit bigger."

The Arielbots flew overhead as they circled around and transformed into their robot modes and landed on the opposite side of the bridge to join the celebration. The NEST Troopers, Marines, and SEALs exchanged hugs and fist-bumps. Jake was resting on the railing, with Vanessa resting her head on his shoulder.

"In any war, there are calms between storms."

Ratchet: "You fought bravely." He commended Bumblebee, placing his hand on his shoulder, and Bumblebee gave him a nod.

Cliffjumper: "You did good." He complimented Warpath, who nodded back.

Prowl: "Not too bad yourself." He nodded, he and Cliffjumper sharing a high five along with Warpath.

" He nodded, he and Cliffjumper sharing a high five along with Warpath

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"There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us."

Stratosphere picked up Jolt and Inferno, laughing as he held them in headlocks. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker bumped fists. Evac and Springer did a chest bump, only for Evac to get knocked down to the ground backfirst, the Airelbots and a few marines laughing at the sight. Longarm vented in relief, while Wolfang let out a victory howl with the Wreckers cheering too.

"But the day will never come that we forsake this planet... and its people."

(YN) walked up to Optimus with Mikaela in hand, and leans next to him. Optimus looked down and smiled, picking them up with his remaining arm and puts them on his shoulder. The three of them stand before the other Autobots and humans, then they look out to the setting sun in the far distance.

"For I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to the universe."

"We are here

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"We are here. we are home."

The End

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