Fight for the core pt.2

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Come on how can they be that much faster then us?! I yell as we try to catch up but can't do to how fast they are. Just keep them in your sight we'll beat them at their base if we must, Jake said as we all pushed our cycles to the limit.

After riding for what felt like hours we finally made it to their base which was in D.C go figure, alright guys keep your guard up and energy high i said as we walked into the huge base that was just inviting us in.

After we walk in there's a loud bang as the doors are slammed behind us, crap it's an ambush! Duke yelled, no duh sherlock i said as we all drew our weapons and prepared for the worst. And that's just what happened a horde of cydroids appeared from the darkness and they wern't alone, holy crap! We all said in response to a huge titan like cydroid that appeared with the others.

Um you can smash that right Duke? I hope he says, mind you this is the first time he hasn't said yes to that. Well lets go! We all run at them me and Rose fire at the crowd taking some out once we get to them we all start fighting and destroying most of the cydroids, seriously these things are really easy to beat.

Alright time for the colossal one! I say as we all look for a way to attack it, woah everyone jump! Rose yells as the cytitan, im calling it that, slams it's fists into the ground knocking us back except for Rose who jumped. Little sooner warning next time! I say recovering from it, this thing isn't gonna down easy. It's risky but one of us needs to cybrose release and take it out.

I'll do it Duke said as he released his cybrose form and rushed at it, what lazer eyes really?! Duke yelled as he dodged lazers, really why lazer eyes that's so old school. Unless you got another trick you're going down! He yells as he clotheslines the cytitan legs breaking them and causing it to come crashing down.

Like they say bigger you are harder you fall now lets go! We all run ahead where we face our next challenge a large open room, this must be a training room keep your guard up for anything. I say and just as i do Jake gets shot in the arm, gah why is it always me?! Sniper get to cover! I yell as we all get behind a small shack, yep there's some buildingception going on.

This sniper may think he's good but i'm better, Rose said as she released her energy and her gun turned into a specially made rifle. She then fliped out of cover quickly looked around found the sniper and fired taking him out with one swift movement.

Heh he got threesixty just no, Rose said cutting off my joke. Joke later move now! And with Jake saying that we moved on into another area, that is beyond unfair. It's a room with nothing but sentry turrets everywheres....why even have a room like this?!

I got this Jake said releasing his energy allowing him to move so fast the turrets couldn't react giving him plenty of time to destroy each one. Right this way he jokes while standing at the doorway, after exiting that room we catch up with them...and about a thousand cydroids in a large open room with a staircase leading into i'm guessing the leaders room.

I've had enough of you stupid machines! I yell releasing my energy and firing a huge blast from my gun through the center of them, don't take another step! I shout as i fire another blast at King and the siblings knocking the capsule out of their hands.

Jake! Right! He uses the last bit of his energy to run up and grab the capsule, oh did you lose something? He taunted as they jumped down and came at us with all the remaining cydroids, crap we're all out of energy but we won't lose lets go team!

Right! Everyone said as we prepared for the final fight, after around 30 minutes of back and forth with neither side backing down, except for the droids they're too dumb to quit. most of the droids were destroyed and everyone, us and them were well wore out. Huh damn one of them has the capsule! Jake yells noticing the capsule was again stolen, there it's going through the doorway they were trying to! Jake yells, no! One of us has to stop it!

Way ahead of you! Duke says smashing his fists into the ground clearing a path for me to run through them, thanks! I run straight for it heading past the last doorway with any straggling cydroids getting shot down by Rose, sto...ya know what just die! I yell firing my gun destroying the droid, got it i say picking the capsule up once again.

Now to get back to the team and hurk! T..the...hell? Just as i ask i feel a sword going right through me, f...f...fu..with that i lost consciousness and most likey my life with the last words i heard being, hello big brother it's been awhile.

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