The plan comes together?

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Alright this should long as everything goes right...of course nothing ever goes right for me... oh well, hmm? I stop talking out loud as I hear a knock on the door, yes? I ask.

It's Vince wanted to know if you got that plan finished and are gonna share it. Yeah just give me a minute I reply as I get up and open the door, ay Jack. Sigh you're not gonna call me Will are you? Nope now let's go Brook's waiting, lead the way and with that he takes me to a secret room I'm guessing it's their hideout.

 Will good to see you again got that plan um planned? Heh yep but I doubt you two will like it, hey anything's better then this. Well we're gonna get shot at have to fight many enemys and may not make it out alive, same ol' same ol'? Hah yeah.

 Okay here's the plan first I'll need my cybrose, a map of this place and most importantly this damn collar off. Yeah only one problem we don't know how to get that thing off, Vince plan wreckingly replied. Okay I'll wing that part then, one more problem Lord Vaylon is the only one that has the layout of this place Brook said adding more complexity to the plan.

 Great...let me guess the cybrose is locked away in a vault only one person has the key too? ...Y..Yes, I facepalm in response to that. And one last kick in the teeth your sister is the one with the access code, I facepalm thrice as hard as Vince just throws more on the fire. Okay so now that this is five times as hard I'm gonna need some more Vaylon is who?

William report to the barracks for your second attempt at the initiative test. Our conversation is cut short as the intercom thing goes off, we'll talk later me and Vince say at the same time as I head to the barracks for another stupid test. When I get there I see June leaning against the wall next to the door holding the cybrose, here's your suit let's go.

No I don't need it I say giving the cybrose back, fine suit yourself she says as she puts the code it to open the gate ,which of course I watched carefully to learn it, okay let's go and this time you better grow a pair. Whatever is all I say as I walk in ready to fight again with the same ending results, huh? I was confused when June walked it too, what are you doing?

 I'm your opponent this time she replies as she gets in a stance similar to mine. What? no way im not fighting you! Then you will die! Before she even finished saying die she began to charge at me, i did nothing taking the blow full force.

 Pathetic! This is war you have to fight to survive dumbass! i hear nothing but insults as she continues to punch me square in the face, i know what i should do dammit... But you are my sister! i'm not gonna hurt you! She says nothing as she jumps up and comes crashing down with both hands locked knocking me straight to the ground and moments later unconscious.

Ugh...hmm? i awaken in what i'm guessing is a medical room, well i'm not dead at least i think to myself as i look around and notice King standing in the doorway with a smug grin on his face. Wow beaten by a girl and your little sister no less, shut the hell up i mumble as i look down.

Make me oh wait you can't, shut the hell up i say again stronger but still not in my normal tone. Whatever i'm not gonna waste my time beating a powerless man up, good now leave and with that he left.

I couldn't even fight back...nothing i just let myself get beaten like i was a training dummy, i think to myself as im interrupted by Brook walking in to check on me. You okay? You took quite the beating Will. I'm fine and i've got the code now i just need the, before i can finish she hands me the blueprints to the base. What how?

 Easy i just asked for it and Lord Vaylon gave it too me, and that's it really? Well i did say me and Vince needed it for a secret project that will help him...yeah he trusts me alot. Well that's good, okay give me the map i'll find our escape route and we'll get ready to go tomorrow. She gives me the plans and starts to walks away, hey wait!

 Hmm? Yes? She stops as i yell that. Who is this Vaylon? I ask pretty much already knowing, he's the leader of Chaos he created the first Cydroid and well you know what happened afterward. So he's the man responsible for their deaths... thank you now i know who i must kill.

After telling me that she left leaving me to figure out the plan that's either rock or bust, alright everything's almost in place just gotta find the best exit and we'll be good to go...literally. As i think that to myself i also think...sometimes i sware i'm going insane. 

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