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We had packed up everything that we needed to fish and anything else we needed. I had changed into a bathing suit and a cover-up and given JJ back his shirt. The three of us headed down the marsh on the HMS Pouge to Pope's house. He had abandoned me and John B when we wanted to surf. Pope Heyward was a coward when it came to surfing in crazy weather.


"It's kind of a smuggler's boat,"

"Nah, not really,"

"Look at it. It is a smuggler's boat,"

"Now the Phantom is a smuggler's boat," JJ smirked.

"And when would we ever need a smuggler boat? Especially the Phantom. That thing is a piece of crap," I asked, raising an eyebrow. JJ threw an empty can at me and I glared at him. I was sitting at the front of the boat, staring at the boys and swinging my legs around. Neither of them minded, so neither did I. We passed several boats and told the people good morning. Boats flipped over, trees ripped out of the ground, wood floating around.

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink. He doesn't have insurance,"

"Yeah. Totally,"

"Hi, Miss Amy! You guys get through it?" John B shouted at Miss Amy. She looked up at us and smiled. John B waved, and I did too.

"Still here," Amy shrugged her shoulders.

"She totally looked at me," JJ commented, smiling. He wiggled his fingers around and turned back to us. He glanced at me and then turned to John B. I re-adjusted my sunglasses and crossed my legs.

"I saw it,"

"I didn't," I replied to JJ. I raised my eyebrows and waited for JJ to answer. He put his hands on his and stared a long stare. "What JJ? What?"

"Come on Addy. I know you saw it,"

"Yeah, sure whatever JJ. Look at this place," I grumbled, waving my hand around. It was a mess, and I knew JJ had to see it. He spun around dramatically.

"Agatha, what did you do?" JJ whistled.

"She is a crazy lady," I smiled, and squinted at the sun, before looking back at John B. He just rolled his eyes and a smile crept over his face.

"Hard-core. Hurricane surge. We'll be cleaning this all summer," JJ groaned, throwing his head back before looking back up.

"That is my nightmare," John B drove the boat close to one of the docks where we all saw Pope. He glanced at us, before letting out a loud exasperated groan that we could all hear. Guess he wasn't that happy that John B went surfing in the surge. He was cleaning the dock with a hose, just standing there. Looking bored.

"Well, look who we have here," I shouted, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance, mandatory," John B mimicked a radio and it's static ending. I glanced at him and then back at Pope.

"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown," Pope complained as John B drove up and slowed down so Pope could get on.

"Come on, man," JJ stated, before mimicking a radio. "You dad's a pussy. Over,"

Lies That Bind // JJ Maybank x OC Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now