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I was on the verge of tears, but I didn't want to cry in front of them. Yes, a couple of tears had fallen, but I didn't want a river to slide down my cheeks. They were my friends, but they had never seen me cry. I mean, a couple of times after I tripped on my run for cross Country. I was super pissed and mad at myself that I had tripped over a piece of grass. Pope and Kiara ran over to me, and I watched as JJ grabbed his backpack and stormed off. He didn't want to help. He did just hold a gun to someone's head.


John B was still asleep on the pull-out couch. He had gotten beaten pretty hard last night, and it was hard to see him like that. He was just doing it to protect me. I was sitting at the kitchen table when there was a knock at the front door. I got up and opened it. Sheriff Peterkin was standing there, waiting.


"Can I come in Miss. Routledge?" she asked.

I nodded and let her inside. She slowly made her way around the house and caught sight of John B. She turned back around, eyebrows raised at me. I hid my fist, but I think she saw my bruised knuckles.

"Sorry to come in so early, but DCS called. They wanted me to check in on you and your brother. See how you guys are doin'. So how are you, and your brother doing?"

"Oh. We're... we're holding up pretty well. Doing fantastic. Uh... Thanks for comin' by. John B should be up soon. He was just really tired last night," I answered, as I faced her.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that, Addy, but I heard a few things that worried me. Let me see if I can remember. Oh, yeah. One of the things I heard was that your Uncle Teddy, your guardian, hasn't been in the state for three months,"

"Yeah. That's false," I muttered, glancing at the picture of Uncle Teddy.

"You don't have to say anything. I know it's true. I called the school. They said that you two were really great students but know somehow both of you are failin' all your classes,"

"NO. No. I'm only failing history. Teacher's a dick. He's out for me. John B's failing algebra. He's just not great with numbers," I admitted, which was partly true. He was okay with numbers.

I grabbed a plate of food that was on our small kitchen table and put it in the sink. I wanted to avoid all eye contact with Sheriff Peterkin at all costs. I turned back around and put my hands on the rim of the sink.

"I heard there was a fight on the beach yesterday. And a gun was involved," Sheriff Peterkin walked close to me and stood right in front of me. I glanced at John B, and then back at her. He was still asleep like he was dead.

"Okay? A gun? No. Did we get in a dust-up? Maybe. Yes, but was there a gun involved? No way. No," I scoffed, walking back over the couch and grabbing the two beer bottles on it. I was going to kill JJ.

"That's okay. I know who it was. I'll get to him. All I'm worried about right now is makin' sure you two are in a safe home," I turned around and threw my hands up, with the bottles in them. I held the two bottles in my left hand and knocked on the table nearby.

"Yeah. Super safe. Super sound, sturdy, you know what I mean. And Uncle T's coming so..."

"That what he told you? Well, if he's really coming, I think you guys should be allowed to stay,"

Lies That Bind // JJ Maybank x OC Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now