valentines day pt 3

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After waiting in line we got on the ride.

"Ready?"Tartaglia said

"Ya. you?" I said

"Yes," he said

"ok folks are you ready? 3! 2! 1! Go!" A blond-haired teenager said as he started the ride

the ride started slow as we went around some turns but as we turned a corner we saw a giant climb uphill. I gripped the handlebars so tight that my knuckles were white.

"you ok..... or are you scared?" Tartaglia said taunting me

"n-no I am fine," I said

But I wasn't fine I was afraid of heights after something that happened in my childhood.

When we got to the top I saw the drop I got light-headed.

"Lumine?"  he said as we dropped 20 feet. I don't remember anything after that because I think I blacked out. I remember when my fear of heights started. it was when Aether and I were 8 we were at our grandparents' house and Aether had the idea to go to the attic of their house and see what they had up there. we got to the 5th floor the highest floor and our grandparents' little dog was following us Aether said" Come on let's go see what's in those boxes". aether walks over to the boxes and the dog follows him. Suddenly the floor gives out and the dog falls through the floor into the stairway in the floor below. I scream and Aether backs against the wall. our grandpa ran up and got both Aether and I to safety. Afterwards, he scolded us and I've feared heights ever since.

"Lumine?" a familiar voice says

"lumi?" another familiar voice says "Lumi can you hear me?"

My eyes open and I see Tartaglia and Aether crouched in front of me. aether is holding water and Tartaglia is holding a cold rag to my head

"What happened?" I asked

"you blacked out," Tartaglia said "You almost fell out of the ride"

"you know you have a fear of heights why did you go on that ride?" aether said concerned

"I know. I thought the ride we were going on was the smaller ride right next to it," I said

"Sorry lumine I should have said what ride it was," Tartaglia said

"It's okay you probably thought that I knew," I said

"Is everything ok?" a worker said walking over "Did she faint?"

"ya she went on one of the taller rides," Aether said

"ok hope you feel better," the worker said walking away

"Well if you feel better you can walk around and play some of the games and go on the Ferris wheel for the fireworks. if you need anything text me I'll be with Ayaka," Aether said leaving

"Wanna go win some more prizes?" Tartaglia said holding out his hand to help me up

"Sure," I said grabbing his hand.

We walked around and played more games tartaglia won a keychain with the anemo symbol on it. after an hour of games, we walked to the Ferris wheel.

"you sure you want to go on this?" Tartaglia said

"ya this one goes slower," I said "and I'll be looking at the fireworks"

"ok the line is pretty short," Tartaglia said "so it should take like about 10 minutes"

"that's not bad," I said

We got in line and when we got in the pod we sat on opposite ends. awkward silence filled the pod. tartaglia broke the silence.

"do you like fireworks?" he said

"ya I always like how bright the night sky is when there are fireworks," I said looking at the stars outside the pod

"I prefer to see the stars. the stars tell stories" he said

"Oh well, can you say one that you know?" I said

"well you see those stars over there," he said pointing to a Y-shaped group of stars " That's cancer. In Greek mythology, Cancer represents the giant crab that attacked Hercules during the second of the 12 labors he performed as punishment for killing his family. It was sent by the jealous goddess Hera to hinder Hercules as he battled the water serpent Hydra, but he killed it with his club. It's a really interesting story it's one of my favorites"

"that is interesting," I said

"ya look that one," he said moving onto my side and pointing towards another group of stars. we were so close." that one's Leo. The mythology behind it describes a lion who could not be killed by iron, bronze, or stone. Hercules had to kill the lion as one of his 12 labors."

"t-that's interesting," I said

"Ya," he said turning his head towards me

our faces were so close I could feel his breath.

"a-any other stories?" I said

"there's one more." he said "There was a boy named Ajax who at the age of 14 years old joined a gang called the Abyss. ajax was being trained by a person in the gang and trained until he was an excellent swordsman. he eventually left the gang and moved on"

"w-which constellation is that?" I ask

"none," he said "It's my story", Our lips met, and for a moment, everything else faded away. It felt like time stood still as we kissed, and the world around us disappeared. I could feel his warm breath when we pulled away. As we looked out the windows, the sky was illuminated by a spectacular display of fireworks. It was a magical moment that I'll never forget.

"wow," I said looking at the fireworks

"wow indeed," Tartaglia said


IDK what to say I've never kissed anyone before T-T (yes I'm lonely don't bully meh) -bunny ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡

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