one shot ayanokouji pet lion

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One year before ahns

I was given freedom for a bit from my father as the whiteroom as shut down for a bit.

My life outside of the whiteroom was fine so far.

I had a butler named matsuo he was a nice man.

Today was October 20 and I was sleeping in bed when I heard a light meowing sound downstairs.

I got up and left the bed. I was walking down the stairs when I saw matsuo there holding what looked like a large cat. It still looked young so I thought it could grow much larger.

" good morning kiyotaka Sama "

" good morning matsuo "

" happy birthday kiyotaka Sama "

It was my birthday today if I remember correctly people on their get gifts. Could he have gotten me a gift.

" what is that "

" today is your birthday so I thought I should get you something "

It was cleary a feline but since in the whiteroom we didn't spend much time in animals I wasn't sure what it was.

" what is it "

" it is a lion cub "

I think it has to be an African lion as the asiatic lion is only alive in idea and I don't even what to think about the Barbary lion as they only have 80 alive with zero in the wild.

" I was able to purchase it online "

" isn't it bad as lions are an endangered species "

" that's true but I found it online so it was going to be purchased anyway so I thought better us than someone else "

" here you can hold him "

I walked forward and held him he was soft and was trying to bit me, I let him it didn't hurt .

Slowly I lifted him up to my face where he bit on my nose.

I looked into his eyes and I felt my face feel a bit different but it didn't last long.

On the bus

( I skipped a lot because we don't have a lot of information on what happened before the start of anhs. )

I was sitting on a but sit with ace sitting on the floor.

( not the donut ace but like the number one )

A lot of people were staring at ace some with fear and some with curiosity.

I was resting when I heard.

" can you give your seat to this old woman "

I looked up to see a well built young man, he stood out because of his dyed hair.

I couldn't care less about giving my seat or staying but I heard growling.

I should get going for some reason ace likes helping people which is why sometimes I am forced into helping like carrying a seniors groceries.

I raised my hand.

" you can have my seat "

The whole bus was shocked.

I stood up.

" really "

" yeah, I don't mind standing. "

" thank you "

" thank you young man "

" your welcome "

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