reactions Horikita and Ibuki vs Ichika

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( don't read it it was my first reaction chapter its bad )

Horikita pov

Horikita : Huh me.

Ryuuen : Suzune look its you

It was after 10:00 a.m., and I, Horikita Suzune, was heading north along the border between I4 and I3, with I2 being my destination. This was the last day of the special exam, and so I was about to use up the remainder of my strength. Fortunately, at least until 12:00 a.m. last night, no group in Class 2-D had fallen into the bottom 10.

The bottom 5 groups in the expulsion range were all 3rd years.

But we still couldn't relax now. At the end of the day, if those 5 groups merged with other groups, scores were bound to go up, and rankings might change. In that case, it'd be inevitable for them to switch rankings with the groups in 6th or 7th place. In the extreme case, if the bottom 10 groups all merged with top groups, then all 10 of them may be able to get out of their current predicament.

The tablet showed my assigned region as I7. The exact opposite of I2, where I was headed.

Ike : why are you going there

Horikita : Its the future i don't know

This was because I would be ignoring the designated area that I should be going to.

Why would I do that? The answer to that was written on a piece of paper I was holding on my right hand. It was folded up and I found it this morning when I woke up in my tent.

When I opened it up, the words "Noon", "K.A", "Expelled", and "I2" were written on it randomly.

When I first saw these words, two things came to mind.

First, the person who wrote this had such beautiful handwriting that I could use as a model.

Manabu : The handwriting is very good

Secondly, the paper and pen were not part of the freely distributed items.

"How many points would I need for this notebook and pen..."

Although I vaguely remembered it in the uninhabited island exam manual, I judged it to be worthless then, so I didn't remember the exact price. If the tablet ran out of power, or malfunctioned suddenly, you might need to take notes. Basically, some random person bought this notebook, and sent this somewhat coded message.

"No, it's too simple to call this coded."

I2 referred to an area on the uninhabited island, and noon was the time. Since this was the last day to be able to send a note, this was the 14th day. But what was in here? A mere prank? But this wasn't the case with the remaining two words.

"Expelled", and "K.A". Let's first pay our attention to the latter.

If the other students had seen this note, they wouldn't necessarily understand the meaning of it.

I grasped the meaning the moment I saw it. It was the initials of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Haruka : Huh why is Kiyopon's name written.

Horikita : Its the future.

Ichinose : Pls be save Ayanokouji.

"If we consider this to be the meaning, then at noon today, Ayanokouji will be expelled at I2..."

I thought this was a joke.

Ryuuen : Of course its a joke, monster will never get expelled unless its me.

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