8. same room??

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Hey guys I'm back!

As I was not well yesterday so I just posted a announcement yesterday... And I have promised you all that today I will post 2 chapters... So here is the first one second one will come in evening..❤️
+ I just saw my DM in which a person has asked me is this story contain mature scenes

So the answer is no.. I will be not writing any mature things or u can say smut in this story.. but you will still like it! I hope you will understand ❤️

And thankuu all for 5k readers.. thanku for ur support keep voting and supporting ❤️🫂

Love you all my lovelies 🧿❤️

Enjoy the chapter....


When Gurveer said they both seperated from each other after they came back in there sense they were lost in each other's eyes again when they heard dhruv

"Tum log bi Jaipur jaare ho na??" Dhruv said

( U r also going to Jaipur na?)

" OMG yes we are how exciting will it be after all we all are meeting after 6!! Yearss yess 6 years guys!.... " Kashish said

"Hn broo by the way where r u both lost heman and deepansha?" Gurveer said

" a.. a nothing nothing hello.." deepansha' said

" Hellooo" Gurveer said

" Hello dhruv.." she said

He also replied with a smile now it's turn for heman but deepansha' was angry and hurt ofc so she didn't said him just a helloo?? He was again hurt by her behaviour but he didn't hate her nor she hate him it's just anger ..... But don't worry readers they will solve this soon....

"Hello heman " gunika and kashish said

" Hi" he said with a warm smile

"So we are in one depart box? " Asked Gurveer

" Yup these 53,54,55 are our seats " said gunika

" Oo wow and this 56,57,58 is our" dhruv said

" Amazing now let's settle down broo.." said kashish..

They all settled on there seats they talked a alot laughed a lot but as always deepansha' and heman were silent... It was time to sleep they all were feeling sleepy they took there seats and see the coincidence or we can say it's there friends plan hehee

On the upper seats right side kashish left side dhruv in the middle seat right side gunika left side Gurveer and at last seat.... Right side deepansha'and heman left side ... Now they have to face each other soon everyone weng to sleep except deepansha' and heman deepansha' was seating near tha window of her seat folding her legs cooling breeze were touching her face small hairs were coming out of her pony she was looking damn cute at that time heman was seeing her hiding he was seating leaning the wall on his seat laptop in his handss he can see she was lost in her thoughts but then he realised what he was doing he was getting lost in her so he looked away and focused on his work on the other side deepansha' was now feeling that why heman betrayed her is he didn't did how much happy they were with each other she once look at him lost in his work and than outside the window it was 3am in the morning .... When heman saw her seeing him hiding he said

" Kya hua? Aise kyu dekhri ho?"

( What happened why r u seeing me like this?)

"A-aise aise kese??" She said

( Like - like was?)

" Chup chup ke " he said seeing into her eyea

She didn't answer for minutes but then said

" Do u remember when we were in class 11th we made a promise about Jaipur?"

" Hmm usko kese bhool sakta hu.. we have decided after I become a successful buisness man and you a successful surgeon we will go to Jaipur in the mandir " he said

She was shocked he still remembered? But why?? He loves isha right?

" You still remember this?" She asked

" I remember each and everything related to you aise hi ni bola tha I love you.." he said but this time not looking into her eyes but in the laptop

Deepansha were feeling strange she can see pain in his eyes but why?? Why this pain?? She was confused but didn't asked further and went to sleep.

After 2 hours at 5am the train stopped at Jaipur they went out of the train with there luggage ...

Then they went to the location where the whole 12th class were going to meet it was a hotel whole class have paid and booked a floor in which 23 room were there

When they reach there they went to the reception and asked about room no. And hereee alsoo planning for there friends deepansha and heman got same room keys but they were not aware of it at all first heman took the keys then deepansha god these friends if them how nice they r they are doing so much for heman and DEEPANSHA

Heman reached before her and locked the door from inside and went to take a bath then deepansha came as she also have the key she opened the door and just lay on bed she was lying closing her eyes .... When suddenly she heard a door opening voice she immediately stood up and what she saw???? Heman was standing infront of her and in name of clothes he have tied towel on his waist she want to close her eyes but couldn't as she was getting attracted by him.... The water droplets falling from his face and body just attracting her towards him but when she realised what she was doing she immediately closed her eyes

" T-tumm tumm yahaa kya krri ho" he said

( What r u doing here)

" M- m kya krri hu ki tumm y-y ye Mera kamra h " she said opening her eyes

( What I'm doing here this is my room)

" Oh my god first pls can u close your eyes ya aise ghurne ka irada hai??" He said in teasing tone ...

Hearing him she felt embarassed and closes her eyes......


That's all 😂 hehe the ending was funny right?? 😂 Now let's see it's a trip of 4 days will they live with each other in this room??? Hahaaa😂 let's see in evening's update...

Thankyou ❤️

You can follow me on Instagram for spoilers and asthetics
I'd- author-suspicious
Account made on 30 jan

You can follow me on Instagram for spoilers and astheticsI'd- author-suspiciousAccount made on 30 jan

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My lovelies💙

By byy

Your writer 🧿🤍

~you're Mine~✓ Seperation And sacrifice Where stories live. Discover now