24. emergency?

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Hey sweethearts❤️❤️

First all of sorry for late update I was trying to post the chapter from last day but watpad didn't let me do it! Idk why sometimes there's so glitch!

I'm overwhelmed by your comments your support your appreciation it gives me so comfort🥺❤️ sometimes I think do I deserves thi??🥺🤎I never expected this much love from everyone thankyou thankyou so much to all who comments and personally send messages 😭❤️ to all my silent readers... Thankyou so much for giving me a chance , sometimes I feel like no one is liking the story and it's not that good as well but whenever I read your comments your love I got relaxed

Thankyou for telling me that you are liking the story

Thankyou thankyou for 31k+ readers ❤️

Ok moving to chapter..
Apke pyar ki wajah se ek long chapter 🤭❤️

Enjoy 💕


When his mother said that she will go for only one day he felt relaxed but still was sad

In their room .....
Around 6pm

She was sitting on the bed checking on some file of patients while he entered seeing him a bright smile covered on her face but his face was still blank without any expression....

" Kya hua aapko?" She asked looking at his face

( What happened to you?)

He ignored her and walked towards the sofa and started working on his laptop

She was stunned with his action

" Ignoring your wife?" She asked dramatically....

He didn't even looked up .... Which make her more frustrated

" Okay whatever" she said and focused on her work

After 2-3 minutes she stood up from her place and went towards him,he felt her coming towards him but still didn't look at her

She was infront of him looking at him with shock

" Are you really ignoring meee!!???" She shouted with top of her lungs

He finally said " no"

" Look whatever the matter is I can't see you ignoring me understand??" She said being bossy but again he ignored her and didn't replied which made her anger increased more and moree soon she snatched the laptop from his lap and put it on the table and sat in his lap this was so fast so he couldn't even react before he can react he feel her soft petal like lips on his kissing him,soon releasing he gave in the kiss when they realised they were out of breath they parted off she was breathing fastly as so he ...

She looked at him who was amazed by her actions

" What?" She asked

" Are not you being so bold these days??" He asked smirking but this time she didn't blushed instead of this she replied
" So? I'm being bold with my husband I can kiss him wherever and whenever I want understood?"

He was shocked at her bossy behaviour but he was liking it

" Hm I see" he said with a teasy voice at last she blushed at her actions

" Alright let me check my files now" she said standing up from his lap

He just hummed and they both went on with their work

Around 9 pm

They heard a knock on the door

" Bhabhi bhaiya "

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